I was especially incensed that Rasmussen, the polling firm,
jumped into the frey, to also say what is being said over
and over again by the corporate media; The Press want Obama to win.
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/election_20082/2008_presidential_election/belief_growing_that_reporters_are_trying_to_help_obama_winThis has to stop, because it is not true.
Rasmussen contact: Phone: 732-776-9777
Email: info@rasmussenreports.com
Dear Rasmussen Reports,
In reading your findings that a growing number of Americans believe that the media wants Obama to win, I wonder if the fact that the media constantly says that the media favors Obama is why people think it.
According to a widely respected Pew report, the quantity of media reports does not equal qualitative or positive press. In their April 2008 report, titled "Less news is good news for McCain", The Pew reported that
http://people-press.org/report/412/less-news-is-good-news-for-mccainMcCain's coverage, however sparse, has been mostly positive, while Obama gets more coverage, with a lot of it being negative.
An example is a recent Washington Post poll that showed 72% believed that McCain would be a better Commander in Chief. This poll was heralded by just about everyone in the press (just do a google). How is that favoring Obama, when the media literally hid the fact that the same poll favored Obama by 8 points overall? Media Matters weighted in to discuss these poll results and how they were massaged by the media to favor John McCain.
http://mediamatters.org/items/200807170011Also, take for instance Obama's trip abroad. The media repeatedly posed doubting questions of Obama strategy on this, and whether Obama's trip could bring risks. Then on Sunday, Howard Kurtz's topic of conversation on CNN was how the press is favorable to Sen. Obama. Meanwhile, many reporters on television (in particular on Cable) prior to that had been insisting last week that the big networks were accompanying Obama, and that this meant that the media favored Obama and were being unfair to McCain. No such fuss had been made for the McCain trips, they said, while ignoring the fact that McCain had not invited the media to come on his trips.
In closely watching the coverage of the election, I do not find that the media favors Barack Obama, although he may get more coverage. In fact, there appears to be collusion between some in the Corporate media (AP, WAPO, CNN, MSNBC, etc...) to say that the media favors Obama. I submit that if facts and statistics were taken into consideration when the media made this assertion, they wouldn't have any evidence to back them, as I mentioned earlier, numerous mentions does not equal positive coverage.
Then conveniently, here comes your publication with an article and "poll findings" that agree with the multitude of the media and the new "meme"; the media wants Obama to win.
I repeat that corporate media does not favor Barack Obama in its reporting, and repeating it over and over again does not make it so. Your article is a prime example of the media stating that Obama gets more favorable press, while at the same time not giving Obama any favorable press.
I do wish that the media was fairer, and reported McCain's negatives as much as they do Obama's, but to date, that is only a myth being built by the corporate media, and its enablers; outfits like yours.