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GOP frees GOP members to vote however they need to get elected

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EV_Ares Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 07:01 AM
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GOP frees GOP members to vote however they need to get elected
GOP senators scramble for life boats
By MARTIN KADY II | 7/22/08 4:47 AM EST Text Size:

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) openly discussed how Vice President Cheney had personally asked him about his Medicare vote. Chambliss said he told the vice president that he needed to back his local doctors and senior citizens.
Photo: AP

Republican Senate leaders — terrified by the prospect of losing five or more seats in November — have freed their members to vote however they need to vote to get reelected, even if that means bucking the president or the party’s leadership.

On at least four votes over the past month — Medicare, housing, the GI Bill and the Farm Bill — Republican leaders haven’t even bothered whipping members to toe the party line or back President Bush’s veto threats. Instead, a GOP leadership aide says leaders have told vulnerable senators that it’s all right to “get well” with voters by siding with Democrats on anything but energy and national security.

It’s unusual for rank-and-file members to get a green light to blow off their party leaders. But these are unusual times for Republicans. They are genuinely worried they could get their clocks cleaned in November. The prevailing attitude: It is better to lose some big votes now than big races in November.

Link to Politico Article:

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phrigndumass Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 07:21 AM
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1. After living high on the hog for the last seven years ...
the republicans are now trying to save some bacon for their looming famine, lol

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livvy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 07:28 AM
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2. That is so disgusting on so many levels.
That Cheney would question a Congress Critter's vote

That Congress Critters should be asked to vote with the lying weasel's veto threats in mind

That members should be "required" to vote the party line

That there should be limits set on what they can and cannot "side" with the Dems

I know it's not just Repugs, but the idea that our Congress Critters are more interested in the party than what is best for the people of this country is just not right.

We are so far from where we should be.
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Alter Ego Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 07:37 AM
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3. Looks like "the party line" really ain't so important anymore.
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