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McCain to NY Times: Dammit My Friend, Can't You See? I Am Right, Obama's Wrong. Let Me Repeat.

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NYCGirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 11:36 AM
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McCain to NY Times: Dammit My Friend, Can't You See? I Am Right, Obama's Wrong. Let Me Repeat.
From the Huffington Post:

Senator McCain is beginning to show us what a McCain presidency will look like and it ain't pretty. It's creepy.

Not surprisingly, the right wing echo chamber is demonstrating what it will act like, with its latest clueless demonstration, proving that Fox News and the Drudge Report are good at what they do -- echoing talking points and delivering messages -- but short on the goods when it comes to even getting what it means to function as a journalistic operation.

Earlier this week, Obama sent the New York Times an op-ed ahead of a speech, one that contained new ideas and information. The New York Times opted to run it.

McCain sent a print version of what we've been seeing on TV since Obama started on his massively successful, slam dunk overseas tour. The McCain piece was a poorly written, painfully repetitive recitation of his anti-Obama, "I was right on the surge and he was wrong and won't admit it" rant. I was going to say talking point but it's no longer just a talking point. McCain looks desperate and frustrated when he launches into his tirade how, and annoyed that "we" are not getting it, not lapping up his bromides and understanding how right he is.


Just imagine what a president this kind of inability to let go, this obtuse, stuck, inability to recognize the fact that the situation has changes, that the vectors in play have changed. McCain seems imprisoned within his brittle inflexibility, stuck with his limited range of ideas. Look familiar? It should. It's the G.W. Bush modus operandi sans a pitbull Dick Cheney type to drive it through.

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TwilightGardener Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 11:42 AM
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1. McManiac seems to think America will sweep him into office because
of the SUURRGGGEE! What he doesn't realize is that while HE'S obsessed with military tactics, the American people just don't care--they want the war to end, the troops to come home, the economy revitalized, they want health-care coverage they can afford, etc. It must be very frustrating for him--he and the media keep saying he was right on the surge (and that's arguable on many points), and fucking nobody cares. That was supposed to be his big selling point, the very thing he hinged his whole campaign on, and the nation shrugs.
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