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CNN Logic - A Hillary Victory Would Have Hurt Women?

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Median Democrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 11:44 AM
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CNN Logic - A Hillary Victory Would Have Hurt Women?
Liberal Bias?

Here is a CNN article talking about how an Obama victory might hurt African Americans:

Well, shoot. I guess the women rights movement really dodged a bullet by Hillary avoiding being the nominee. Likewise, Hispanics also avoided being harmed by a Bill Richardson presidency. Indeed, to truly elevate women and minorities, we should continue to elect white men into positions of power so that the success of women and minorties cannot be used to discredit women and minorities. Afterall, if Hillary was President, those mean conservatives would then use such a victory to evicerate programs that primarily benefit women.

Of course, this must be an unbiased piece, because the media is liberal after all. Indeed, every freakin Big Media network came out with a story or editorial declaring as such at the same time in a big coincidence.


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elehhhhna Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 12:34 PM
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1. and a mcC "win" would hurt who? Old guys?
Hell,a mcC win would hurt everybody.
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bunkerbuster1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 01:09 PM
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3. White guys with thinning hair...
who call their wife a "c#nt" for pointing it out?
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HiFructosePronSyrup Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 01:09 PM
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4. A McCain win hurts everybody.
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ieoeja Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 01:07 PM
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2. I've seen that here on DU.

I could name one Black militant, long-time poster on DU who absolutely despises Obama for this very reason. He has argued that Whites are born genetically racist and for that reason a Black man can not, never, no how, in any way whatsoever get ahead in the United States until the White man has been brought to his knees.

And the nomination of Obama did nothing to change his mind. Last I read he was still ranting away.

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