Expectations of Obama have been built so high that it is almost inevitable that there will be some disappointment as he has to navigate reality. But it will be made tolerable if he is open and honest. Of all the seemingly endless sins against the American people and the Constitution perpetrated by Bush et al., the worst is the constant deception and lying, lying, lying about everything.
eleventhwheel | Homepage | 07.22.08 - 10:26 am
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i'll be at the tiergarten speech in under 48 hours. it will be like witnessing history, i cannot wait!
anthonya | Homepage | 07.22.08 - 10:32 am
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The MSM is behaving as badly now as they were in the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq. Like a bunch of Valley-Girl cheerleaders infatuated by the latest fad-celebrity, they grovel in the minutia looking for ever more trivial factoids to report while missing (intentionally ignoring?) the big picture about what is happening in the global economic transformation, its dire implications for the U.S., and how the congressional races are shaping up. If we should have learned anything over the last 8 years, it is that no politician deserves a long leash and that snarky observations on trivial aspects of the process are no substitute for in-depth critical analysis.
johns | Homepage | 07.22.08 - 11:27 am
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What propaganda from AP.
Although Europeans do know a little something about venerating a charismatic personality.
hadenuf | Homepage | 07.22.08 - 11:33 am
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It's not that they ahve high expectations, it's just that they are amazed that Americans might actually elect a human being as their president. The rest of the world is amazed just how low life America is . . . and boy is it.
Scy | Homepage | 07.22.08 - 11:35 am
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And Anthonya I JUST read your post! Awesome!!! Return and report!!!!
Scy | Homepage | 07.22.08 - 11:35 am
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Obama = Truth,Justice, and the American way.
che | Homepage | 07.22.08 - 11:36 am
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I'm jealous, but I hope at least part of the speech will make it to the MSM in the US. As I posted already, I was in Spain several weeks ago, and found the Spanish people to be highly interested in the election, with 100% support for Obama. And they just despise George Bush. They still shake their heads and ask, "How could he have been elected a second time in 2004?"
miss skeptic | Homepage | 07.22.08 - 11:43 am
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PS to Anthonya: If you report back, please include your impressions of the crowds, how the Germans receive him, what their excitement level is, etc. - I'd really like to know what the regular people of Germany think.
miss skeptic | Homepage | 07.22.08 - 11:44 am
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Who wouldn't vote for Obama? McCain thinks Darfur is in Somaia, Vladimir Putin is the leader of Germany, Pakistan borders Iraq and Czechoslovakia is still a nation.
Bruce in Pittsburgh | Homepage | 07.22.08 - 12:05 pm
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America wants to lead the world, so great but, in this case it is my duty as european to support a candidate like Obama. It could be president of the world, so what's the matter in supporting him? Free speech is good only for U.S. people?
EuroCitizen | Homepage | 07.22.08 - 1:06 pm
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Just wow @ the entire overseas campaign. I'm so proud of us!!