What to ask the Presidential candidates
1. How do you think Britain, Spain, Italy, Australia, Poland and America’s other allies in the Iraq war and the War on Terror would react if they knew that in your campaign rhetoric you have completely ignored their contributions to these efforts and repeatedly insisted on characterizing President Bush’s foreign policy as entirely “unilateral,” as if no other nation joined America in defeating the Taliban and Saddam Hussein?
Answer? - While Britain has indeed been an Iraq War booster, the other countries mentioned give little relative to the total effort required, and in many cases give their support under mercenary agreements.
2. Four years from now Baby Boomers will begin to retire. Not long after that retirees in America will greatly outnumber those who pay Social Security taxes. Specifically, how will you keep Social Security from running out of money?
Answer: As the Bush Social Security System telephone information message notes, the system is solid to 2043, so the above are just scare words meant to justify cutting today's SS benefits so as to fund the tax cuts for the rich with even more social security surplus funds - covering up this theft via the call for private accounts. The Clinton add-on private account concept is certainly a good idea, but the idea of guaranteed return SS accounts, with reduced SS taxes made up for by general revenue transfers, should of pass the fiscal reality test of the media.