Kerry Announces Plan to Build Economy that Works for the American People AgainDemocratic candidate for President John Kerry today announced a new plan to build an economy that works for the American people again. At a luncheon with more than 200 Iowa women activists, Kerry outlined his three point plan to:
1) fight for good jobs for American workers and give new incentives in companies that invest in America; 2) provide working families with new relief by reducing health care costs, lowering state and local property taxes and giving middle class tax cuts; and 3) ensure that every American can succeed in the new economy. “We’re fighting for a government that listens to the voices of every American, not just those with the connections and the campaign cash. Where the humble hopes of hardworking families are not smothered by the heavy hand of special interests,” said John Kerry. “We’re fighting for an America where the decisions that shape our country’s future are made not in the smoky backrooms of K Street, but by citizen activists in the open air of Main Street communities all across our country. We’re fighting for a White House that’s not the site of a daily reunion by old buddies looking for new favors, but a place for the union of voices with nothing but one fancy word in their title: ‘American.’ When I’m President, with your help, these are the fights we’re going to win.”
more... build an economy that works for people again, John Kerry detailed a three point plan:
Addressing Outsourcing Jobs Overseas 1. Consumers “Right to Know” on Call Center Workers.
2. Investigate Outsourcing.
3. Use Government Contracts for U.S. Workers.
End Incentives to Move Jobs Abroad1. Stop Giving Government Contracts to Corporations Breaking the Rules.
2. End Every Single Tax Credit That Gives Corporations Breaks for Moving Jobs Offshore.
Fight for Good Jobs Here at Home1. Tax Incentives for Those Who Keep Jobs Here At Home.
2. Fighting for Good American Jobs for the Future. John Kerry will fight to assure good jobs for the future including:
-Investing in the new energy opportunities of the future such as: alternative fuels, new energy efficient appliances for homes and businesses; and investing in projects like building the Alaska National Pipeline.
-Revitalize the high technology sector to pave the way for industries of the future by supporting innovation, such as nanotechnology and biotechnology research;
-Ushering in a new era of opportunity for small businesses, by improving Federal contracts, tax credits for new technology and better loans.
Today’s two-earner families are earning 75 percent more than their single earner family counterparts a generation ago, but they have less money to spend due to soaring housing costs, day care, college tuition, and health care. In addition to creating more good jobs, we need to make sure that working Americans can make ends meet.
Making Health Care More Affordable. Reducing Taxes at the State and Local Level. Stopping Middle Class Tax Increases. Increasing the Minimum Wage. Keeping Interest Rates Low. III. ENSURING EVERY AMERICAN CAN SUCCEED IN THE NEW ECONOMY.
To be successful in the 21st Century economy, America’s workforce must be more innovative and productive than our competitors. John Kerry will work to ensure that every American can succeed by providing high-quality public education, affordable higher education, and access to workforce training programs.
Guaranteed Funding to Create 21st Century Schools.Making College as Universal as High School. Strengthen Workforce Training Systems. To read the detail of this plan click: