Lieberman, Gephardt and Dean. No One else deserves to be on that list.
>We have already seen the battles begin:
>Which candidate supports the government of Israel MORE unconditionally than the others? I have preciously seen Lieberman be this person, but I have also seen him criticize the wall and advocate for a two state solution. Everyone else seems to get that even our friends can be in the wrong of an issue.
>Which candidate supports bush's war on terra MORE than his opponents do? Key words "Bush's war on terra". There is a fight against terrorism and radical islam that exists, whether we like it or not. Even if we do not like Bush, 9/11 happened and there is a fight to be had. As far as what Bush "thinks" is a war on terror, Iraq, only Lieberman is still standing by the need to invade.
>Which candidate will do the best job of running the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan? Again. I have not seen a canidate say that they support the occupation, but as Carol says, we broke it. We have a responsibility there. We will only win with a candidate who advocates on how to fix it.
>Which Democratic hopeful can best ensure that the rich get the tax breaks and the non-rich get their backs broken? No candidate is advocating for the rich to keep their tax cut, so I guess on the second half, I have to go with Dean and Gephardt. Both of them want to raise taxes on the poor and middle class at a time when Bush's tax cut for the rich has devastated a lot of families. How can we ask any more sacrifice of them for the next couple of years financially.
>Who will do the best job of protecting traditional Anglo-Saxon Protestant values? Sorry, too confusing for me. Which values? We have a jewish man, a baptist I think and a couple of catholics in the bunch.
>Who has the best plan for stamping out anti-American sentiment around the world and rooting out terrorist sleeper cells right here in the "Homeland?" Again, you have to be more specific. I have seen some who called for more port security, but since when do democrats call for stamping out anti-american sentiments. Shit Kerry called for a regime change in Washington on the third day of the war. Took a lot of flack for that.
>Almost as important: who can make all these things sound good enough to make you believe they're just what the country ordered? I don't know. You tell me.