August 30, 2004 When asked “Can we win?” the war on terror, Bush said, “I don’t think you can win it. But I think you can create conditions so that the — those who use terror as a tool are — less acceptable in parts of the world.”
14 February 2003
We're not only doing everything here at home, but we're doing everything we can abroad. Let me first tell you this: we're winning the war on terror." Bush said.
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Bush-Cheney '04 Continues Winning the War on Terror Tour
BATH, ME – Earlier today, Bush-Cheney '04 Campaign Chairman Gov. Marc Racicot continued the
Winning the War on Terror Tour at a press conference in Bath.
Maine joins Michigan, New Hampshire, West Virginia, and Ohio in hosting
Winning the War on Terror press conferences
July 12, 2004
"The war on terror will not end in a draw, it will end in a victory, and you and I will see that victory of human freedom." Bush said.
White House position paper-
"President Bush is steadfastly pursuing a comprehensive approach to winning the War on Terror. By pursuing the terrorists wherever they may hide, by transforming our Armed Forces and homeland defenses, and by promoting democracy and freedom in troubled regions around the world, we are succeeding in defeating the terrorist threat."
Jan. 10, 2003
". . . confronting the threat posed by Iraq is not a distraction from the war on terror; it is absolutely crucial to winning the war on terror," Cheney said.
December 8, 2003
McCLELLAN: Well, first of all, the United States is winning the war on terrorism with unrelenting focus and unprecedented cooperation.
Feb. 27, 2004
"I am convinced that we can prove to the American people that we know how to make them safer and more secure with a stronger, more comprehensive and more effective strategy for winning the war on terror than the Bush administration has ever envisioned," Kerry said as he outlined his plan to combat terrorism in a speech at the University of California at Los Angeles.
Kerry said Mr. Bush has "no comprehensive strategy for victory in the war on terror."
"We cannot win the war on terror through military power alone," said the four-term Massachusetts lawmaker, a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Kerry also accused the president and "his armchair hawks" of weakening the U.S. military by failing to provide proper equipment. He lambasted Mr. Bush for "stonewalling" the commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks.