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Bradley endorses Dean (CNN 1/6)

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cthrumatrix Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-06-04 09:46 AM
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Bradley endorses Dean (CNN 1/6)
Bradley endorses Dean
'An idealist who's willing to be tough'
Tuesday, January 6, 2004 Posted: 9:26 AM EST (1426 GMT)

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire (CNN) -- Saying Howard Dean is more an idealist than an angry candidate, former Sen. Bill Bradley of New Jersey gave his endorsement Tuesday to the Democratic presidential candidate at a boisterous rally in New Hampshire.

"The pundits say Howard Dean is an angry guy," Bradley said, "but I say that he's an idealist who's willing to be tough in pursuit of his vision. You can't use nuance with someone as radical as George Bush. You have to be blunt and relentless in telling the truth about what he has done."

"In 2000 many Americans in Iowa and New Hampshire gave me their support and across the country gave me their support and I continue to consider their support a sacred trust," Bradley said. "This year many of them have asked me who among this very capable group of candidates I would recommend. My answer is Howard Dean."

"In 2000, the Supreme Court declared that George Bush had defeated Al Gore, but his Code Orange warnings continue to remind us Bush has not defeated al Qaeda. As a Democrat, I wanted him to lose against Gore, but as an American I desperately wanted him to win against al Qaeda," Bradley said. "Sadly, he still has not."

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SayitAintSo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-06-04 09:49 AM
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1. BFD
nuff said ...
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robbedvoter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-06-04 09:50 AM
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2. Coming from the reagan's tax cut champion...Now, slime away!
Idealism at work:

Dean called 'real Democrat'

Front-runner's strategies add boost from Bradley
Jon Kamman
The Arizona Republic
Jan. 6, 2004 12:00 AM

With former U.S. Sen. Bill Bradley's endorsement of presidential candidate Howard Dean today, the former Vermont governor's campaign is likely to emphasize that the front-runner is "a real Democrat" and more decisive than former Gen. Wesley Clark.
In a telephone conference call that reporters were invited by mistake to hook into, Dean's campaign staff spoke candidly about strategy surrounding the impending Bradley endorsement.
"Tomorrow, (Tuesday) we're going to start by having Bradley do sort of a subtle thing, if we can, by saying that Dean is a real Democrat, and then follow that up the next day with an in-state person that's probably a little more direct," one unidentified staffer said.
The "in-state" appeared to be a reference to New Hampshire, where Bradley, Al Gore's opponent for the 2000 Democratic presidential nomination, was to appear this morning at a previously unscheduled breakfast.
Another staffer indicated that in a survey of voters Monday by telephone, people expressed concern that "this guy (Dean) is indecisive" and Bradley, a former Hall of Fame player in the National Basketball Association and a three-term senator from New Jersey, could help counter that.
"The Bradley message could be, like, (Dean) knew where he stood on the war, is still a Democrat, takes . . . positions, blah, blah, blah," the staffer said.
The next day, the speaker said, "surrogates" for Dean, both local and national, could "then hit Clark on the flip side of the argument: that he's indecisive, didn't know what party he's with, doesn't know his position on the war," she said.
The strategists ended their conversation when another reporter joined the conference, telling him, "I think you may have the wrong call-in number. This isn't a press call.
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dkf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-06-04 01:07 PM
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3.  What a wonderful quote from Sen. Bradley
"The pundits say Howard Dean is an angry guy," Bradley said, "but I say that he's an idealist who's willing to be tough in pursuit of his vision."

Wow. Love it.
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