By skipping the first two debates of the 2004 political calendar, Wes Clark is proceeding with a strategic plan to de-rail Howard Dean in the early Feb. states like a Roman General on a conquest. Dean meanwhile is bogged down in a defensive foxhole in Iowa dodging politically poison arrows from the remaining candidates:
"Wes Clark Packs the House! on Saturday in Portsmouth, General Wesley Clark was expecting to address a crowd of about 200 people in the basement of South Church. Instead, he found himself in the church's large sanctuary, addressing close to 1,000 people. People who attended the event used words like "moving," "inspiring" and even "amazing" to describe the event.""The “True Grits” tour was a huge success! People across the South responded well to Wes Clark’s message of a new standard of leadership. From Louisiana to Tennessee to its finale here in South Carolina, the tour was packed with excited supporters and people wanting to a get a closer look at General Clark." civil rights leaders line up behind Clark (In South Carolina!)