In John Kerry's
Foreign Policy Speech at Georgetown University he mentioned using the Jordan Free Trade Agreement as a model for future trade agreements.
Labor provisions:
For the first time in a U.S. trade agreement, rather than in a side agreement, the Jordan FTA includes in the body of the agreement key provisions that reconfirm that free trade and the protection of the rights of workers can go hand in hand. These provisions reaffirm the parties support for the core labor standards adopted in the 1998 International Labor Organization s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The countries also reaffirmed their belief that is inappropriate to lower standards to encourage trade, and agreed in principle to strive to improve their labor standards. Each side agreed to enforce its own existing labor laws and to settle disagreements on enforcement of these laws through a dispute settlement process.
Environmental provisions:
Again, for the first time in the body of a free trade agreement, the Jordan FTA includes a separate set of substantive provisions on trade and the environment. Specifically, each country agreed to avoid relaxing environmental laws to encourage trade. The United States and Jordan affirmed their belief in the principle of sustainable development, and agreed to strive to maintain high levels of environmental protection and to improve their environmental laws. Each side also agreed to a provision on effective enforcement of its environmental laws, and to settle disagreements on enforcement of these laws through a dispute settlement process. Both countries are conducting environmental reviews, which were extremely useful in developing some of the provisions of the agreement.
The United States and Jordan also agreed on an environmental cooperation initiative, which establishes a U.S.-Jordanian Joint Forum on Environmental Technical Cooperation for ongoing discussion of environmental priorities, and identifies environmental quality and enforcement as areas of initial focus. The environmental elements of the FTA package also include language on transparency and public input, and on environmental exceptions. Finally, the FTA includes a "win/win" initiative -- an initiative that is good for both business and the environment by eliminating tariffs on a number of environmental goods and technologies and liberalizing Jordanian restrictions on certain environmental services.
I know anti-globalization is a popular viewpoint at DU, but I personally think being anti-globalization in the 21st Century is akin to being anti-industrialization in the 19th Century. This Agreement is far from perfect but it is a step in the right direction.