This is why I think Howard Dean will surprise lots of people and defeat Bush. He has the ability to really fight back and take tired old GOP arguments used against the Democrats and throw them back at the Republicans.
Everyone knows Bush/Rove will attack whoever our nominee is by saying they are a "tax and spend Liberal" never mind that Bush took the biggest surplus in history and turned it into the biggest deficits in history.
Dean in his economic address yesterday spoke of Bush Taxes. What are Bush taxes?
--Bush shifted costs to states and communities--this is a Bush Tax.
--Property taxes have skyrocketed due to these shifts to states and local communities--this is a Bush Tax.
--State college tuition at four-year schools have increased an average of $579 nationally--another Bush tax.
--Fees for a variety of things have increased, such as to national parks, automobile registration, fishing licenses--these are Bush Taxes.
--State and local governments have cut vital services
--Passing on huge budget deficits to our children is a Bush Tax.
http://www.bushtax.comDean knows how to fight fire with fire. Which party has balanced the budget in the past 30 years? only the democratic party.
Which party has produced the biggest deficits in the past 30 years? The GOP under Reagan and Bush II.
Which is really the tax and spend party? The GOP.