Edited on Tue Jan-06-04 11:03 PM by mouse7
I just saw an excellent example of the left's propensity to eat it's own on Democracy Now today. One of Amy Goodman's pet issues is a certain Nigerian (on edit: Ken Saro Wewa) that was put to death by the Nigerian dictator at the time becasue he was protesting against the oil industry in Nigeria. Goodman had this gentleman's brother and the head of human rights group related to African issues. Goodman had an interview where she really tried to utterly trash Braun over this particular atrocity in Nigeria.
The breakdown in the disagreement is that CMB felt those who were suggesting economic boycotts and other similar economic sanctions were aiming to cut off programs that were more humanitarian in nature that helped the poor people of Africa. I saw the brother of the gentleman that was murdered accuse CMB basically of not immediately agreeing with all thay were asking for. I saw the man from the human rights organization say that it was fair to expect way more from CMB on the issue because she was African-American. Amy Goodman and this gentleman both admitted that CMB's record in Africa on human rights issues was excellent, better than basically anyone in the Senate at the time, however, because CMB didn't wasn't as strident as they were, it was fair to attack her.
I was shocked today. I've never seen Amy Goodman as vicious as she was today with CMB. I saw all three individuals admit CMB did more on human rights issues in Africa than anyone in the past. I saw all three continue to viciously attack CMB because CMB's record wasn't PERFECT.
The guy from the human rights group said it. CMB was African-American so they had the right to expect CMB to completely submit to their agenda. That was the justification for trashing CMB.
All through the interview, Goodman made charges against CMB, and CMB would refer to detailed records on her Presidential campaign website from the confirmation process to becoame Ambassador of New Zealand.
I've just gone through some of the stacks of the documents at the CMB website. It looks like Amy Goodman bought the Rove/Fitgerald lies hook-line-and-sinker. Evidentally, CMB had become friends with Ibriham Abacha, son of Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha, here in the US in 1992. Goodman charged 7 trips, there were only three in which Nigeria was a stop after 1992. All the expenses for the trips were paid for by Braun, and her (then) fiancee, a Nigerian national. The first trip was in order to meet her fiancee's family. She also met with Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Tutu, and serveral other African leaders. She did stop off and briefly meet with Ibriham and his parents on this trip. There was one three day trip in July of 1995 for a wedding in which she briefly met with Ibriham and his parents. There was a trip in August 1996 for Ibriham Abacha's funeral after a plane crash. CMB says she was there with the Abacha family during the service and went to the leaders compound afterwards in which CMB states she related to Sani Abacha "personal feelings and concerns" about what she had seen on her Nigerian trips, Specifically, she conveyed to him feelings she had "about human rights, the environment, religious tolerance, and democratization."
While I was there, I looked into the other "outrages" CMB supposedly committed while a US Senator. You remember the charges she used campaign credit cards improperly? The grand total of supposed "improper" personal charges was a WHOPPING $311.28, all of which was more than owed to the individuals involved for legitimate campaign expenses they had paid for out of their own pockets.
The income tax charges? The IRS did a 5 year investigation including full audits for 3 years of basically every financila transaction CMB made in those three years.
There is a letter from the lead IRS agent William E Doukas describing the reasons for his incredibly intense investigation. Apparently, Doukas decided that the amount of $roughly 32,000 dollars in cash donantions was way too low for a US Senate campaign of an African-American. He felt "cash would be the most prevalent method for donation to the Senator's campaign fund." In other words, the implications is made that African-Americans don't know how to write checks.
Is it reasonable to conclude racial bias was involved in the investigation of Braun?
Look at this quote from a Lead IRS agant Doukas memo
"Attorney _______ also spoke of a D of J memo which stated that a higher threashold for wrong doing should be applied to minority office holders. (If this is indeed the case, and such a position is in writing, Then it's time for us to turn in our badges. After all, if "they" are "smart 'nough" to get elected, "they" are "smart 'nough" to go to jail)"
The timber sale questions? Carol Moseley Braun's mother, Edna Mosleley, was a medicaid recipient in a nursing home up to and through the year 1988. Edna Moseley was willed timber rights to some land in January 1988. December 22, 1989 Edna Moseley exercised the Timber rights and recieved $28,750 from the sale. Edna Moseley had no assets or bank account to hold them at this time because she was in a nursing home. Carol Moseley-Brawn opened a money market account on January 4, 1990 specifically for the proceeds of the Timber Rights sale and deposited these proceeds in that account. Edna Moseley couldn't open her own bank account for these proceeds because... she was in a nursing home. On June 27, 1990, Edna Moseley decided to give the proceeds of the timber sale to her children in order to cover some of the medical expenses her kids had paid for out of pocket. Edna Mosely and all the children agree that the out of pocket expenses for Edna Moseley's medical care far outweighed anything Edna Moseley had recieved in the sale of the timber sale rights. The Illinois Department of Public Aid confirmed this fact. At this point, Illinois Department of Public Aid states that it's Edna Moseley's responsibilty to report assets. Edna Mosely states she reported these assets orally to her Puclic Aid case worker visiting the nursing home. The aid worker and Edna Mosely's file don't show this report. Illinois Department aid determined that while Edna Mosely's children spent vast personal resources on Edna Moseley health care, it was medical care that Edna Moseley's children paid for out of pocket didn't meet the requirements for reimbursement by Illinois Public Aid. Illinois Public Aid requested reimbursement of $15,239.92 of the $28,750 recieved by Edna Moseley. This payment was made by Carol Moseley Braun on October 30, 1992. The matter was consider resolved on this date.
So... Edna Moseley's kids were paying out their own pocket to get their mom better health care at the nursing home. Edna Moseley recieved some money, and tried to pay her kids back for some of the money they had spent on her health care. Edna Moseley and her children thought health care costs were reimbusable. They were right, but only some of the expenses were allowed and some were disallowed. Illinois Public Aid was paid for what was not reimbusable when the request was made.
WOW... Carol Moseley Braun and her siblings are guilty of spending a fortune out of pocket on their mothers health care, and their mom is guilty of trying to pay them back for some of it when she got some money.
I watched Amy Goodman do the worst reporting of her career today. For Amy Goodman not to even read the documents of the govenment investigation of Carol Moseley Braun to see that every stamp on CMB's passport, and practically every financial transaction CMB made while in the Senate was fully audited is the worse form of journalism. It makes Amy Goodman look no better than corporate media lackeys.
After looking at these documents, it becomes clear very quickly that Carol Moseley Braun was put under government scrutiny almost as intense as any elected official in America today. It appears that Carol-Moseley Braun may be one of the most honest political figures in America today.