McCain support for Mujahideen Papered Over By Juan Cole
Monday, October 06, 2008
Sarah Palin's jab at Barack Obama on Sunday attempting to tie him to terrorism (!) is another in a long line of gaffes that will hurt her ticket tremendously.
You always suspected that McCain, if he got in trouble with the electorate, really would stoop to calling his rival a terrorist.
Saturday Night Live writers don't even have to create parodies any more. They've just been quoting Palin verbatim.
The comedy writers have another wild statement from Palin/McCain to work with now.
As for the real terrorism, someone should please ask McCain about his support in the 1980s for the mujahideen (Muslim holy warriors) blowing up things in Afghanistan, which ultimately led some of the mujahideen to form al-Qaeda. Or about McCain's friendship and support for Gen.Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan, who refused to help capture Bin Laden in 1999 and who continued to support and use the Taliban.
Oh, I forgot, if you declare yourself right wing, it is all right to foment terrorism and the corporate media will never question you about it because, well, because it is the corporate media.
And let's not forget McCain's buddy,
J. Gordon Liddy, one of several convicted felons of Watergate fame and self-acknowledged involvement in conspiratorial murder, firebombing, and kidnapping plots.
And let's BE SURE not to forget that McCain's VP running mate sleeps with a man who was a member for years of the Alaska Independence Party, a secessionist group determined to disrupt the cohesiveness of the 50 states.
Her husband, Todd.
As Governor of the State of Alaska, she sent a video message to the AIP convention THIS YEAR,
confirming her support for their agenda.
So, let's recap:
John McCain has a history of supporting terrorists:
1. Mujahideen of 1980's Afghanistan
2. Gen.Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan
3. G. Gordon Liddy
3. Sarah and Todd Palin
Think the American people ought to know these facts?