Madison, Wisconsin is blessed with two newspapers. The progressive afternoon Capital Times and the right-wing Morning State Journal. Today the State Journal offered the following blistering anti-Dean editorial: is my response:
Dear Editor,
I know Howard Dean must be doing something right if the Wisconsin State Journal has come out so early in rebuking him. I will take candidate Dean's record over that of the current occupant of the White House any day. Dean is a moderate who managed to balance eleven budgets, cut taxes, insure most children in his state, and when he left the governorship his state was one of the few in this country with a healthy fiscal outlook. Compare this with the dreadful record of President Bush who has turned the largest surplusses in history into the biggest deficits, presided over the first net loss of jobs of any president since Hoover, and under whose stewardship the poverty levels and uninsured levels for children have risin.
You mention Dean taking Bush to task over 9/11 and intelligence matters. Former GOP governor Tom Kean of New Jersey may be able to back up some of Dean's accusations. He is the head of the 91// commission and he recently said that 9/11 could have been avoided and seemed to imply that some fault may lie with this White House. If this is the case President Bush may have some explaining to do.
At least if Dean is the nominee there will be a real debate in this country and a real choice. Between a tax and borrower (Bush) and a fiscally responsible Governor (Dean) and between a president who misled this country to involve us in a war and a governor who was wise enough to oppose this war.
(Contrast this with an editorial in the Capitol Times by John Nichols)