Republicans for Clark
"But he’s a Democrat…and I’m not!"
Right, right. But you’d vote for FDR if you could, right? Maybe Jefferson, too?
OK, let’s set aside the party labels for a moment. Here are four reasons to vote for Clark:
1) The world is unsafe. And we know that America is vulnerable. Leadership means more than stewardship, now, and the American President needs to do more than issue tax cuts and reappoint a FED chair. The American President needs to keep us safe, and if there’s someone other than General Wesley Clark – West Point Valedictorian; holder of a Bronze Star, Silver Star, Purple Heart and Presidential Medal of Freedom; and former NATO Supreme Commander – who can keep us safe, that person has done a good job of hiding, ‘cause no one has found him yet. We need Clark. He demonstrates that it’s safe to vote Democrat again.
2) We can lead by example. We can show our character. In 1980 and 1984, a group of Democrats had the courage to elect a Republican President, to help stir our country from its slumber. In a way, that small group, by putting their consciences ahead of their party affiliations, and by turning the tide of two elections, gave us an American President who restored our credibility in the eyes of the world. We have the opportunity to show the same courage and strength of character in this election; we have the opportunity to be this era’s Reagan Democrats.
3) Clark is militarily unflinching – but socially moderate. In addition to being a “soldier’s soldier,” Clark is smart (a Rhodes Scholar), fiscally conservative (licensed as an investment banker) and socially moderate. If that combination doesn’t stoke the embers of a Republican’s heart, nothing will.
4) We can finally “build from the bottom up.” If Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun returned to the well of the House of the Representatives, would what they found there be to their liking? Is our current crop of candidates and officeholders the group for which Nathan Hale would have gladly died again? It’s time that we stopped accepting a handful of tepid and mealy-mouthed self-anointed candidates, and choosing from among them the “lesser of the evils.” It’s time that we defined, first, what we want in an American President, and then drafted the person who fits that description. Make a list in your mind. What do you want from the leader of the free world? Who can keep that free world free? Write down the traits you’d like to see in that person. Write down the accomplishments. And then look at General Wesley Clark.
-- Josh Margulies
-- Josh Margulies
(Josh Margulies, an attorney and Republican activist living in New York, is the head of "Republicans for Clark.") there conspiracy buffs, Rove must be hedging his bets so he had his operatives launch a pro Clark web site too. OK, tinfoil hatters why would rethugs want Clark to win?
Can we get back to the real issues now? I like Clark, but I like Dean better.
Images from Dean Rocks the House of Blues, Hollywood
From wtmusic Joefree1