Leon Fuerth To Chair Dean National Security Advisors
WASHINGTON--Governor Howard Dean, M.D., today announced that Leon Fuerth, an expert on arms control and non-proliferation and Vice President Al Gore's former national security advisor, would chair his campaign's group of national security and foreign policy advisors.
"I am pleased to announce that Leon Fuerth will join my campaign as chair of my core group of national security and foreign policy advisors. He has in very full measure the background, temperament and skills that are needed for this job. He also shares my belief that America's security in the world depends not only on the wise use of power and wealth, but on our identity as the gateway to a future of freedom, justice, and hope. We need an approach to our national security that not only safeguards us, but reassures others that the United States is still an enterprise in whose success they have a personal stake. The present administration has been squandering this asset. Americans know that leadership cannot succeed if it rests on fear. Instead, America must be the partner of choice for all people who want to engage the future so that it may better serve the common good," Governor Dean said.
"Governor Dean is a leader who has fresh ideas, who wants the Democratic Party to offer a real choice for the American people, and who would lead the nation with candor and wisdom. I'm honored to be able to work with him and his team," Leon Fuerth said.
For more than four decades, Fuerth has led a distinguished career in the military, foreign service, congressional and executive staff, as well as most recently in academia.
Fuerth served as an officer in U.S. Air Force from 1962-65 and then as a Foreign Service Officer from 1968 to 1979. During his time in the foreign service, Fuerth became an expert in strategic intelligence on weapons of mass destruction, in arms control, and in NATO/Warsaw Pact issues, among other subjects. He also served for two years as a political and economic officer at the US Consulate General in Zagreb, in then-Yugoslavia.
Following his time as an FSO, he was the senior staff member for late congressman Les Aspin on the House Select Committee on Intelligence from 1979 to 1984. During this period, Fuerth helped the Committee oversee covert action and also served as its bipartisan technical expert on arms control verification. He then became the senior staff member on international affairs for Senator Gore from 1984 to 1992.
Following Gore's selection as vice president, Fuerth became Gore's National Security Advisor, serving from 1992 to 2000. In this capacity, Fuerth participated in deliberations on national foreign policy at the highest levels of government for eight years, serving concurrently with cabinet officers in both the National Security Council and the National Economic Council. On behalf of the vice president, who acted as U.S. co-chair, he helped form and manage bi-national commissions with Egypt, Kazakhstan, Russia, South Africa and Ukraine. He also helped negotiate and manage the US-China Environmental Forum, also co-chaired by the vice president. Mr. Fuerth was recognized within the Administration as an expert and point of reference on non-proliferation.
Since 2000, Fuerth has taught at George Washington University.
Fuerth, a graduate of NYU, holds graduate degrees from NYU and the J.F.K. School of Government at Harvard University. He is married to Lynn Gittelson, and they have four children.