1) On energy. Barack Obama has promised to spend $20Billion/year on development of alternative energy. Private industries (including GE) would stand ready to spend up to 20 times that amount if they could get a clear signal from the government that it was serious about ending dependence on petroleum products as a source of energy. One way to send that clear signal would be to set a serious tax on petroleum fuel consumption. The US consumes approximately 150 billion gallons of gasoline each year. Would you support a phased in $1/gallon (over 2 years -- .25/quarter) tax on gasoline and diesel to protect developing alt energy programs from being undercut? Funds to be earmarked solely for energy research and development, energy efficient and user friendly mass transit infrastructure development and rebates to poorer drivers?
2) On healthcare. Barack Obama has stated that we must address our healthcare issues at least in part on the front of prevention of chronic diseases. A very high proportion of chronic diseases result from the extremely poor dietary habits of typical Americans. Are you prepared to make bold modifications to your diet (such as eliminating most processed foods, and perhaps some other "food" habits like daily meat and dairy consumption) in order to promote a healthier America?
3) On education. Are you willing to get involved in the education of the youth in your community, whether those youth be your own children or the children of your neighbors? For example, my neighborhood library has a volunteer tutor program. Will you donate an hour a week of your time to improving the knowledge of your local students?
4) On party organization. Do you realize that if the party were to use a "group of 10" organizing principle, we could hold a strong core of 100,000,000 voters in just 7 levels? Party faithful at the very grassroots level (just voters = privates) would be level one. Block organizers (sergeants) would keep track of, educate and inform 10 of these individuals. Precinct captains (captains) would cover 10 sergeants or 100 voters. For every 10 precincts we could have a major, whose ambit is 1000 voters. etc. Are you willing to take on the task of getting to know, support and educate 10 voters, or others who have taken on 10 voters?
5) On foreign policy. Barack Obama is clear that our foreign policy needs to be based as much on right as might. Are you willing to donate to non-profits (such as Solar Electric Light Fund (my favorite) or I am sure that there are many others) that promote progress, education, health and welfare in the developing world and promote a strongly favorable view of the United States of America in places where our corporations have really dropped the ball?
What else?