The media thinks that if they put Howard Dean on enough magazine covers, Senator John Kerry will be irrelevant. It is really a huge joke isn't it? Howard Dean is getting all this media attention because he opposed the war against Iraq? Do you get the irony, or has it gone over your head, simply because the media is hiding the real story?
The real story is that the media is blaming John Kerry because the Bush Administration lied to secure a blank cheque to wage an unprovoked war, and John Kerry is fighting mad. In the meantime, the only obsession of the partisan media is to blame John Kerry for Bush's deception.
Lightweights like Howard Dean get a free ride from the media, because he does not threaten George Bush's re-election prospects. When was the last time the media gave a peace candidate so much attention? Remember John Lennon, he wasn't even a politician, and reporters spent most of their time trying to ridicule a man who promoted peace. Why is the media giving Howard Dean so much attention and publicity? Why don't they ridicule Howard Dean?
The reality is, the media knows that John Kerry has the power to pulverize the Bush candidacy, and they also know that peace activists like Howard Dean are irrelevant until the shooting stops. Face it, the media is trying to lynch John Kerry, and if you do not believe that, just think back to the Clinton impeachment --another attempted lynching that failed, because Clinton's grass-root support, came through. Ironically, the assertion that Howard Dean has more grass-root support than John Kerry is the biggest joke since the failed impeachment. The other big joke is that the media is giving Al Gore publicity for inventing the claim that Howard Dean's grass-roots supporters control the Internet.
Did you know that Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. and Senator Edward Kennedy have endorsed Senator John Kerry or is the media too busy promoting Howard Dean's supporters? Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. is a good, intelligent supporter, but Senator Kennedy has arguably given and sacrificed more for his country than any living American, and if that is not the most significant endorsement thus far, it is probably because the mainstream media is too busy trying to find another way to create the impression that Howard Dean merits more publicity.
The mainstream media clearly understands the process. Salivating reporters failed to successfully impeach President Clinton because the people are smarter than the reporters, and now, the reporters are playing hardball. They suddenly think that if they tell all the people that Howard Dean is the grass-roots candidate, the people will believe them. Make no mistake about it, this report will not receive the light of day in the mainstream media because it's about the candidate who is the most progressive and most qualified to be the President of the United States, and that is what you call a grass-roots campaign. Howard Dean's grass-roots act is merely a matter of using blowhards to claim that the Internet is supporting Howard Dean. Very crafty, aren't they?
How many reporters does it take, to throw John Kerry off his feet?
If you watch CNN, the media is ignoring John Kerry, except when the media seeks to prosecute Kerry because he voted for the Iraq War Resolution. That is the only time that the media promotes John Kerry, and it is not to applaud his decision but to create the impression that Howard Dean, who did not even have to agonize over the vote because he is not a Congressman or a Senator, is a peace activist who merits constant, media publicity. Funny, isn't it, the media is giving Howard Dean millions of dollars worth of free publicity for doing nothing. Compared to the do-nothing, say-anything, Howard Dean, Senator John Kerry's progressive record is unrivaled, amongst all the Democratic candidates, and the media thinks that if it puts Howard's face on enough magazine covers, he will be more relevant that Senator John Kerry is. It's a great, mainstream media promotion, but the truth of the matter is, the media knows that John Kerry has the power to change the regime in Washington, Howard Dean does not --and that is the only thing that is driving this charade. Reporters are very crafty, aren't they?
The media thinks that it can make John Kerry irrelevant because he voted for the war, but he did not vote for Bush's war. "This was the hardest vote I have ever had to cast in my entire career," Kerry said. "I voted for the resolution to get the inspectors in there, period. Remember, for seven and a half years we were destroying weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. In fact, we found more stuff there than we thought we would. After that came those four years when there was no intelligence available about what was happening over there. I believed we needed to get the weapons inspectors back in. I believed Bush needed this resolution in order to get the UN to put the inspectors back in there. The only way to get the inspectors back in was to present Bush with the ability to threaten force legitimately. That’s what I voted for."
Senator Kerry Senator Kerry has repeatedly said, "if you truly believe that if I had been President, we would be at war in Iraq right now, then you shouldn’t vote for me" and he means it because Bush promised to work with the international community and that war would be an absolute last resort. The media is essentially blaming John Kerry because Bush lied and that clearly betrays everything. And in the final analysis, all those reporters who support the war and who are endorsing Howard Dean will have a whole lot of explaining to do, when John Kerry is the President of the United States.
The media is trying to lynch Senator John Kerry because it wants George Bush to be "re-elected" and that is not the role of a free press. Get the message?
Face it, John Kerry and John Edwards make an unbeatable ticket, and the media barons think that if they put Howard Dean on all the covers of all their magazines, George Bush will finally discover the opportunity to win an election. There is nothing wrong with endorsing a candidate, but this sly effort to bury the candidacy of John Kerry is not right.