Thank you Barack Obama.
Thank you for four years ago making me say out-loud, "Why can't he be our candidate?"
Thank you for blowing away the ether of complacency.
Thank you for beating that maver-"ICK" and his running date.
Thank you for being patient with this insane process we call democracy.
Thank you for your ambition and your drive, your mind and your gravitas.
Thank you for recognizing the needle and the damage done. The needle -- our addiction to more, better, faster, greasier, dirtier, celebrity lifestyles and prescription poisons and the damage done -- the Economic Crisis, the Health Care debacle, the State of Education. This is AMERICA. Health and Education should be #1.
Thank you for understanding World History, Geography, countries and cultures, religions, customs and America's tarnished reputation in those very countries.
Thank you for voting against the war and for continuing to voice that opposition.
Thank you for your brilliant campaign and campaign managers and your staff.
Thank you for choosing Joe Biden.
Thank you for leading and inspiring me.
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