to LEAVE this state (again)!
Listen to this: I just bought a paper and PURPOSELY went to a sort of 'hippie' coffee shop here to relax, bask in the glory of our win, and - so what? - read over stuff that I mostly already knew about (from the 'net) in the paper, and enjoy a good cup of coffee. Initially it was good. A college-age girl behind the counter said 'how are you doing?', and I held up the paper w/the big Obama healine, and said GOOD!, and she and a guy she knew who was also standing there beamed, and we had our little celebratory moment. The guy and I went in another room (this coffee shop is in what was a small/old house), and he was on the 'net, and I was reading my paper, but we talked a bit about the election, past elections, etc.
Then this dickhead comes by, initially not realizing that both of us were Dems, starts going off about Acorn, Supreme Court justices likely to 'not go by the constitution' and only be 'populist' (this dumb-ass isn't even happy with the way the SC is NOW, people), etc. He went into a back room, but kept coming back to 'challenge' me (more than the other guy in my room), and after a few more minutes of this, I slammed my cup down, grabbed my paper - by this time Mr. Dickhead was back in the back room again - and said loudly, "WE WON, AND YOU'RE NOT GOING TO RAIN ON MY PARADE", slammed the door, said 'Fucking Asshole!' loudly to two guys outside (but they knew it wasn't aimed at them :^), and drove home. My heart hasn't totally settled down yet (although that's partly due to the strong coffee :^).
But DAMN, I went there specifically because a-holes like that were less LIKELY TO BE THERE. I'm leavin' TX again, I really am... but it may be another year or two due to a few things. Yes, I know, there are *some* assholes everywhere, but we've got a bumper crop here.
At least what I yelled is true, though... millions of dickheads can't change that. Sore Loserman. Thanks for 'listening', DU.