Anyone who has read ALL the evidence about how Summers behaved at Harvard would not defend him, unless s/he were also a sexist and/or sees nothing wrong with a head of a major research university who ignores extant research in order to make offensive comments. It's also not the only bad behavior that has been documented about Summers. The evidence is out there on the web for all to read. The "saying he appointed more women" is like saying, "some of my best friends are black." Harvard has never had a high proportion of women on the faculty; many that Summers appointed were appointed AFTER the scandal, in response to the concerns raised; and people can still be sexist and create a hostile climate, particularly for more senior women, while being comfortable appointing women to lower level, powerless positions.
It is just as offensive to have a man like Zakaria pronounce something as acceptable as it is for a white person like me to feel I am more competent than people of color to judge how racist a pattern of behavior is.
There are plenty of excellent economists to choose from; Obama doesn't have to settle for someone like this. It would be a slap in the face to many who voted for Obama, if he were to act as if Summers' comments were an insignificant matter.