When it comes to Iowans whose political opinion I resepct, I'll take former FCC Commissioner Nicholas Johnson over
The Des Moines Register's in-house right wing hack David Yepsen any day!
Don't be fooled by the corrupting, compromising, poll-driven, big money candidates' and conservative, corporate media attempts to marginalize you by trivializing one of America's most substantial presidential candidates since Franklin Roosevelt, Adlai Stevenson, John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson.
Can he win? To borrow from Elizabeth Barrett Browning, "Let me count the ways."
Dennis Kucinich came out of a working class Cleveland neighborhood to run for City Council at age 21, and was elected at 23. His political career has been built on a series of upsets over "unbeatable" Republicans. As a result, he has served as a big city mayor, Ohio State Senator and U.S. Congressman. He has moved that congressional district from 34 percent Democratic, to 49 percent the first time he won, to 65 percent, and now 74 percent.(-snip-)
Link to full text of Kucinich endorsement.