Edited on Wed Jan-07-04 07:18 PM by Jerseycoa
"That's it; I just don't trust Dean anymore. (More later; too foggy now.) Enough to point out something I had resisted pointing out before: a guy who graduates from a good medical school in, when, 1980 (?), and goes to the cutest, whitest state in the union should really not lecture the rest of us on our need to learn about racism. Maybe he should have practiced medicine on an Indian reservation, or in a black ghetto, for a few years before decamping to a place that makes Hobbiton look like Harlem. At least Hobbiton has a lot of height-challenged people. And diverse races come to visit.
"First rule for pols: don't piss me off. And Dean pissed me off with his fake road-to-Damascus confessional and his presumin' to lecture me about my deficient knowledge of African-American culture.
"As for Dean's electability, fair enough that some people think this is an annoying and deceptive way of arguing a point. In fact, I believe Dean is unelectable, because he is saying some fairly repulsive things that are making him unelectable, and no, I don't believe that he is a victim of Rovian slander (not now, anyway). I simply disagree with him about a few issues which, to me, are dealbreakers: taxes and Osama. Deaniacs: you can be sincerely opposed to what George Bush is doing and be a skeptic of Howard Dean.
"So, I'm giving Wesley Clark a good, hard look. I have to be realistic and pay attention to trends and it looks as if Clark is gaining some traction. You have to be cold-blooded about these things. You don't get everything you want in a Presidential candidate, or a President. At best you get to vote for a guy who you think has good judgement on a few key issues. I had a big problem with Clark on Kosovo (which I know some Clark supporters disagree with me about--that's life!), but that's a done deal. The key issue facing us now is the so-called War on Terror, which is really the War for Petroleum Resources in a world of Aroused Islam. Since no one has had on the job training for that, and since I want Lucrezia Borgia-Bush out of the White House very badly, I'll take Clark in a Gotham nano-second." Source: Letter from Gotham