And I dated a girl that actually worked there. It's still only about a half hour drive from where I live now. I'll give you the lowdown as I see it.
Bohemian Grove as it is today is really nothing more than a big fratboy playground. At one time, it might have been something more than that. I've heard plenty of stories about dark things that used to go on there, Satanic rituals, human sacrifice and the like, but I really don't think that those things are going on there now if in fact they ever were.
It is well known that many rich and powerful do belong to secret societies, and I do believe that some of those societies have engaged in extremely reprehensible behavior in the past and still probably do to a certain degree. I knew a woman from this area who claimed to be a victim of ritual abuse administered to her by a group of rich and powerful Satanists, and I believed her, because I saw them around on more than one occasion while I was with her. But does any of this relate to Bohemian Grove? I don't think so. Maybe some really dark, sinister stuff did go on there at one time, but I don't think it still does.
From what I understand, based off of everything I've ever read or heard about it, essentially what happens at Bohemian Grove is that it's extremely wealthy and powerful members show up and have a big pagan-inspired ritual, in which they perform what they say is a mock human sacrifice in the "Cremation of Care" ritual. The official reason for this is that they are leaving their worldly cares behind in preparation for the big party that's about to ensue.
For the rest of the time that they are there, and all of this comes from my ex-girlfriend that used to work there, it's essentially a big drunken escapade. The guys urinate wherever and whenever they want, they grope the female help (she told me that by the time she quit working there she hated men so much that she didn't date again for over a year), and essentially have a good old boys time. I'm sure hookers are probably brought in and God knows what else. Think of the worst frat boy party at the worst party school, then factor in lots of money and power and older men who believe they own the world and are drunk off their asses, and you have Bohemian Grove. I know a therapist who has said that he has treated women who were raped there before, but again, this has more to do with the fact that it's a rich boys gone wild club rather than it is some dark secret sect. Anyways, here's the only known video to exist of the Bohemian Grove Cremation of Care ritual, shot by Alex Jones, who snuck onto the premises with a camera one night. this video surfaced, Bohemian Grove officials stated that they were performing a "mock" human sacrifice. Conspiracy theorists believe that the Cremation of Care Ritual is in fact much more than simply letting yourself go for a wild party. They say that it's really symbolic of the organization's true purpose, a purpose that is hidden even from most of its members except for those at the very top: to destroy care in the world. They claim that the Grove's members are a wide cross section of members from other secret and all-powerful societies such as the Skull and Bones, Freemasons, and the Illuminati, some of which supposedly are controlled by inner circles of Satan worshipers working against the better interests of humankind. They supposedly do this by seducing the rich and the powerful, and see to it that the policies they inflict on the world do as much damage to human progress as they possibly can while at the same time consolidating all of the world's wealth and power for themselves. They also say that the mock human sacrifice they perform is in fact not mock at all, but a real person. This is the source of much of the controversy regarding the club, and why your article mentions the counter occult ceremony done by the protesters, who are hoping to cleanse the negative energy called up by the club's members.
As for me, I do believe that some of the world's secret societies are probably involved in some pretty horrific shit. Some of it may even be occult or Satanic-centered. But I think that whatever might have gone on at Bohemian Grove at one time isn't what goes on now. Even if the conspiracy theorists are right about the true aim of secret societies, I doubt that a whole lot of their planning and manipulation gets done at Bohemian Grove anymore. Those guys are simply too smashed, and the place has become too well known.
Anyways, some photos of Bohemian Grove throughout the years. It's old. Pay close attention to the last two. What do you think, is that a dummy they're hanging? Another mock human sacrifice? Or is it real? Beats me.