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Maybe we all should check into Underdogs Anonymous to cope with DLS

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Armstead Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 11:44 AM
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Maybe we all should check into Underdogs Anonymous to cope with DLS
Edited on Thu Dec-04-08 11:54 AM by Armstead
All of the inane flame fests since the election brings a thought to mind.

Perhaps we should start an Underdogs Anonymous. It's sorta like Alcoholics Anonymous, except it's for people who are having to withdraw from the Underdog Syndrome.

The recent election -- plus the shift in the Zeitgeist since the Economic Meltdown began -- has brought a change for people like us denizens of DU.

After eight years of being in the political wilderness as the Loyal Opposition (to put it mildly) our side is now In Charge. The GOP and the Rightwingnuts aren't going away, but now it's their turn to be the Outsiders.The Politics of Dopes has been replaced by the Politics of Hope.

This is great news.

But, like any other form of Dope, the departure of Bush Inc. and the adrenalin rush of anger the GOP has provided all these years can lead to painful withdrawal symptoms.

It can also lead to a psychological disorder (which I just made up) that could be called Displaced Loser Syndrome (DLS).

DLS is characterized by a reflexive urge to oppose those who are in political power. This has been burned into our psyches by eight years in which the Administration and Congress provided unrelenting fodder for outrage.

Now, over the next couple of months we will all have to go through withdrawal from that automatic irritant. No longer will we be assured that whenever we turn on the news there will be a stimulus from the WH or Congress to cause us to yell at the TV.

So what do we do with this Displaced Outrage? How do we adapt to the mindset of being on top instead of on the bottom? We all seem to be doing it in our own ways.

In reality, of course, the situation is not all that simple. There are still lots of boogeymen and boogeywomen out there, and many of the same Oligarchs are pulling the strings. The GOp is still around and regrouping. The Democratic Party has not suddenly been transformed into the Wellstone Democratic Party and Barak Obama is not Bernie Sanders.

So some of us are focusing on the remaining understructure of the oligarchy. Some of us are carefully scrutinizing Obama, and some are criticizing him.

Meanwhile, others of us are becoming defenders of the New Status Quo. Some see themselves as defenders of Obama and are shifting their focus of anger from the Right to those on the Left who they perceive as a threat.

This creates divisions here on DU and overall in the Democratic and center-to-left left half of the country. The contest between the "centrists" and "liberals/ progressives" is nothing new, of course. It's been going on since at least the 1990's. But the context is shifting from "How can we overturn the GOP Bastids?" to "How do we move forward now that we've overturned the GOP Bastids?"

In some ways, it recalls the final scene from The Candidate in which Robert Redford, who has won his campaign, asks rhetorically "Now what do we do?"

That's the question we're all asking and debating. Without taking a position, my own suggestion is that we ought to be able to be Good Winners, regardless of where on the center-to-left spectrum we personally occupy. We should be able to debate and argue over that basic question without eating each other up in the process.

As a step in that direction, I now raise my hand and admit: "Hi, My Name is Armstead and I'm a Recovering Underdog."

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ginnyinWI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 11:55 AM
Response to Original message
1. I hear ya!
People here have become kind of addicted to the empowering feeling of being outraged, so they look around for molehills that they can turn into mountains and bellyache about. We're going to have to find some constructive outlet for all that energy, because I don't think the new administration is going to give us much to moan about. Seems we've elected a superb new president, by the looks of it.

There will always be problems to worry about but many of them will probably be local and not interesting to the main DU group. I hope we don't just turn on one another for sport. I see the main purpose of DU becoming more of an information outlet, reporting and explaining what the administration is doing. Hold them accountable by all means, but let's not be unreasonable ideologues. We've had enough of that from the right for the last eight years. Time for some practical problem solving.

I don't think liberal ideology is any more likely to be perfect than conservative ideology. Closer to the mark for sure, but the real answers to our national troubles lie somewhere in between, probably at about center-left. So let's not be so quick to jump on the Obama adminstration and give them a chance to show results. That's what I say to my conservative friends: wait and see what he does.
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wyldwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 11:57 AM
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2. the sad thing is, there probably is a REAL condition like you're describing..
... might have something to do with the need for a "boogey man." The right has communists, socialists, terrorists, and libruls....
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sufrommich Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 12:00 PM
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3. Bravo. k&r
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Arctic Dave Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 12:20 PM
Response to Original message
4. I say focus the DLS on local politics and change them.
If you don't have a problem with local politicians then give me shout, I want to live were you do.
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Armstead Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 04:03 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Actually, I live in a fairly enlightened corner of the world
Aside from the usual small-town shenanagans, most local politicians are decent Dremocrats and generally liberal, or at least moderate.

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