If you're not familiar with the GCP, here's a quick snip of who they are:
We have been collecting data from a global network of random event generators since August, 1998. The network has grown to about 65 host sites around the world running custom software that reads the output of physical random number generators and records a 200-bit trial sum once every second, continuously over months and years... Our purpose is to examine subtle correlations that reflect the presence and activity of consciousness in the world. We have learned that when millions of us share intentions and emotions the GCP/EGG network shows correlations. We can interpret this as evidence for a growing global consciousness.
And, guess what -- the Obama election win definitely registered:
Beginning about two hours before the official announcement that Obama had won, the data show a consistent positive trend that continues through the declaration at 23:00 ET and his subsequent speech to 125,000 people at Grant Park in Chicago and the public via TV. The formal data segment overall shows a modest positive trend through the 24 hour period. Chisquare is 86806.274 on 86400 df, for p = 0.164 and Z = 0.977. This represents a relatively large effect size compared with the average of Z = 0.33 over the full GCP database.
Late in the day, with a clear win in Pennsylvania and Ohio also decided for Obama, his win appears to be a fait accompli. At this time, about two hours before the official declaration, the data take on a steady positive trend. It continues through the formal announcement and McCain's concession speech at 11:00 pm and for two hours after Obama's acceptance speech in Grant Park at midnight. The following figure shows this period of time. This is of course a post hoc analysis, rather than a formal result, but the trend is consistent with the idea that the widespread and intense emotional response to Obama's election might register on our network.

Lots more interesting details and math here: