Today, as expected, the US Supreme Court denied the Donofrio petition for an emergency stay to stop the certification of New Jersey's electors to the electoral college on the grounds like Obama is not a "natural born" citizen. Though RWers agree that Obama is an American citizen, they just think he's not the right "type" of citizen, based on their understanding of Constitutional language written before slavery was abolished and before women had the vote, and UNADJUSTED IN LIGHT OF THE 14th AMENDMENT and all of American history since 1789.
Although the Donofrio denial is among the first of as many as fifteen appeals on their way to SCOTUS, its dismissal is a reasonably good sign that the court system will not hear these challenges. However, because the dismissals have all been procedural ones (lack of standing, etc.) and not on the merits, the courts -- while not accepting the cases -- nevertheless are
technically not saying the cases lack merit either.
However, it's important to understand that this, as usual, will not end the story for misguided right-wing forces determined to get a hearing on the "merits" of their claims that Obama's evidence of birth is forged, etc. As I've posted previously, they consider these cases "no lose" propositions because it rallies their base, and the issue can stay on more or less permanently.
Their next moves are:
1. Additional appeals to the US Supreme Court with little chance of success, but each one helps them raise money.
2. Moving the dispute to the Congress at the level of the Electoral College, arguing that Congress is the only party(ies) with standing are in the Congress, and further (falsely) arguing that under the 20th Amendment the congress has the power to second-guess the election by assessing the "qualifications" of the candidates for whom electors have cast their ballots. The primary argument by that point will be that the issue is a "political question" not appropriate for courts, but instead appropriate for Congress.
3. Although Obama would in all likelihood survive such a Congressional vote, should such a vote of any kind take place without objection it would presume the power of Congress to second-guess an election by the People on an issue that was both discussed, debated and litigated in both primary and general election campaigns. Thus, while this time we may "win" any such precedent that Congress can legitimately second guess or re-decide an election based on anything other than full-fledged impeachment processes would be a very bad omen for the future -- where in the future a hostile Congress might reject the candidate elected by the people via the electoral college.
4. Even failing the Congressional vote, it becomes the foundation for both political and perhaps congressional impeachment proceedings (presuming they can muster votes, manage procedural hurdles, etc). This all fits in with the ridiculous frames they were forced to resort to, painting Obama as a "foreigner", liar, etc. As with the Clinton years, we can reasonably expect right-wing meritless claims to attempt to dog Obama for all 8 years of his administration.
Although I am pointing that these cases won't die, and although I do believe the issue merits more than superficial attention by DUers, ultimately if one doesn't understand one's enemies thoughts, strategies and tactics, one is poorly placed to defend against them. IF you'd like to read a detailed analysis of the situation that gives appropriate credence to the RW's ability to maintain meritless arguments for years, taking them seriously to the extent necessary to develop the most effective counterarguments to what they're doing, see my thread from last week here: In a nutshell, the issue of "first impression" for the courts, namely the issue of what "natural born" means, is capable of easy resolution, as follows:
The Constitutional clause in question sets out 2, and only 2, classes of citizens, as does citizenship law generally: naturalized citizens and natural born citizens. A naturalized citizen is one who voluntarily accepts the US after being BORN a different citizenship(s), none of them being American citizen.(think: ADOPTED or ADOPTIVE citizen) The clause in question grandfathers in the Framers of the Constitution alive at the time of the Constitution, because they were all "naturalized" to American citizenship because America didn't exist until recently.
We're all either BORN to parents or ADOPTED to them. This tracks 'natural born' and 'naturalized' concepts perfectly. Natural born means "citizen since birth" and nothing more.
However, here's the key: Because there are only 2 classes under the Constitution, if Obama or anybody else is not a naturalized citizen, then THEY MUST BE a natural born citizen -- a citizen from birth onward. Importantly, that's what Obama was even IF he were born in Kenya! So this whole issue is more frivolous than even the most cynical DUers have imagined, even though I differ from them on the side issue of needing to take their claims seriously, but just for the purpose of knowing what we're defending against.
So, just ask a RW if they maintain that Obama's a naturalized citizen. If so, ask for the evidence of the oath, the citizenship class, etc. (none). If not, then the case is over: The Constitution sets out two classes only of citizens, and they may not make up third classes of citizens not contemplated by the Constitution itself. Congressional statutes can not change the Constitution, so all the statutory citations in the world are unavailing to them.
Finally, when talking to right-wingers don't miss the super-obvious:
These lawsuits, and any Congressional hearing or vote, if any, is a direct attack on democracy, because it does not seek or care to know the will of the people but instead seeks to overrule that will of the people.
These attacks are specifically on a basis
other than a legitimate recount or election contest that seeks a better determination of that true will of the people. As such, it's an unprecedented and undemocratic direct attack on democracy, even though they've been litigating and debating this for a year or more now.
They've shown their xenophobic, anti-democratic, and even anti-republican (with a small r) true principles here. I think it will pay to never let them forget that.
Plus, when one of the key players, We the People Foundation, has federal court orders shutting down their tax fraud-promotion website that purports to teach people that nobody needs to pay income taxes, there's enough here to keep things fun. How fraudulent that "We the People" funds and favors litigation to attack the will of We the People based on issues raised and rejected in the campaign. It's enormously ironic at best that We the People attacks the People themselves, and on the way turns Patrick Henry on his head (see first quote below), completely misunderstanding the basic nature of our system, in that the Constitution (properly understood) applies to limit and shape the powers of the government, to ensure it is always our servant and that we don't become its slaves.
The Constitution properly applies to the LAW-MAKING function of government, because law is force. (That's why it applies to Prop 8 but not the election of a PERSON).
Although we vote in elections whose outline is sketched by the Constitution, our decisions on who we elect are not subject to control by the Constitution, because we the People are the ultimate power or sovereign power in our society. In fact, six US Senators and Representatives have served their terms even though too young under the Constitution's clear requirements. This is a reflection of the sovereign power of We the People to elect whoever we please -- at least knowingly. The Constitution can be used as a criticism of someone running who's too young, but is not an ultimate BAR if the people decide to choose that person anyway. The protection, if any, the Constitution provides against "foreigners" from becoming president is fully activated in campaigns where one side gets to bash another cloaked in the robe of the Constitution, but if the people to decide to elect someone despite this, it's THEIR CHOICE.
Because that's what it means to be a FREE PEOPLE. You get to elect whoever you please. As Patrick Henry implicitly notes below, free people can do whatever they want within the basic structure, because the Constitution applies to limit lawmaking and government powers. It can't be turned around, weaponized, and used to second-guess the judgment of the people as to who should be their President,
after the whole years long and billion dollar process is over.
The Constitution is the baby of
We the People. It applies to government. Unfortunately it doesn't apply to even protect us from corporations in the private sector.
The Constitution shapes the PROCESS of our elections, but it does not and can not control our CHOICE after the election is over, otherwise we are simply not free.
Unfortunately, one thing both political parties have often been able to agree on is expanding the institutional power of Congress beyond its limits. (A seeming win/win for all incumbents). Thus there may be an incentive for the right to have a hearing on this "issue" and for the Democrats to go along, knowing they'll win, and wanting the Constitution to be "respected" and a "hearing to be had" that has never been had (they will say). BIG MISTAKE FOR DEMOCRACY though.
In the two months to come, please oppose any congressional power grab to have a "hearing" on or vote on the "qualifications" of Obama, and do so ON PRINCIPLE that We the People wish to remain in charge of OUR COUNTRY, and not because of who will be the temporary winner or loser of such a vote, in a Congress that is temporarily friendly. Thank you.
“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government — lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.” Patrick Henry
“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel.” Patrick Henry
“The Constitution is the origin and measure of legislative authority. It says to legislators, thus far ye shall go and no farther. Not a particle of it should be shaken; not a pebble of it should be removed …” Justice William Patterson
“The great check imposed upon Executive power was a popular mode of election; and the true object of jealousy, which ought to attract the attention of the people of every State, is any circumstance tending to diminish or destroy that check. It was also a primary intention of the Constitution to keep Executive power independent of Legislative; and although a provision was made for its election by the House of Representatives in a possible case, that possible case never was intended to be converted into the active rule, so as to destroy in a degree the line of separation and independency between the Executive and Legislative power.”
–Senator Tracy, debate concerning ratification of Amendment XII to the United States Constitution