Holy Stallout! I wanted to be the Car Czar!!!
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Mon Dec-08-08 06:55 PM
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Holy Stallout! I wanted to be the Car Czar!!! |
I was watching Fixed Noise just now (I'm wearing a leather torture outfit) and saw that they were talking about how there will be someone overseeing the auto industry and the new position will be a... wait for it... a...
OK... now Fred Barnes wants to execute Gitmo detainees before we close Gitmo... total buzzkill, man.
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Mon Dec-08-08 07:06 PM
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1. I've always been puzzled by the adoption of the term "CZAR." |
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Mon Dec-08-08 07:08 PM
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2. Czar is either a wood finishing laquer or some Euro poet-turned-politik in a funny beret |
Edited on Mon Dec-08-08 07:09 PM by zulchzulu
Maybe both...
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:23 PM
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