Did David Gregory almost lose his shot at getting his show on MSNBC?
About a month ago, he joined NBC colleague Tim Russert at a Washington D.C. restaurant for dinner, where he showed his lack of appreciation for the help. David Gregory: Not a consummate dining companion?
The twosome's waitress somehow messed up their dinner order, and Gregory – who CBS is supposedly "enamored" with in their hunt for a Katie Couric replacement – let's say, caustically reminded her how bad she erred.
But the server wasn't the only one who got a scolding: Russert chewed Gregory out for his tactless behavior. "Russert warned Gregory never to behave that way in front of him again," says a spy.
And once MSNBC got wind of the story, they made Gregory "promise up and down to change his behavior" before they handed him the 6pm slot, we're told. Not to mention that this incident is not, we're assured, the first time Gregory has chewed out a less-than-competent service employee.
But the NBC staffers in D.C. wouldn't be surprised — that's his normal workplace behavior. "He still treats most of … the newsroom like shit," says a NBC insider. Not that the higher ups are reprimanding him for how he treats his staff or anything. Says our tattler: "Amazing how NBC cares more about food servers than about the people who have to deal with Gregory's arrogance every day."
http://www.jossip.com/david-gregory-mouthed-off-to-a-waitress-got-scolded-by-tim-russert-20080414/King David
How a pompous reporter saved the press corps.
Zachary Roth, The New Republic Published: Monday, June 4, 2007
White House correspondents like to describe their colleague NBC News's David Gregory as a "bit of a showboat." They recount, for instance, the time he ordered a Cape Cod cocktail on a press charter plane--then sent it back four times to achieve the ideal ratio of vodka to cranberry juice. Sticking with the air-travel theme, they note that his luggage tends to fill two overhead storage compartments. "He has a kind of traveling wardrobe," one reporter explains. And when, on his birthday, Gregory affixed to his backpack a bunch of balloons that read "You're Great!", reporters joked that he had bought them for himself.
Watching Gregory joust with President Bush and his spokesmen, you can see the genesis of this punch line. When he broke into French to question Jacques Chirac at a joint presidential press conference, Bush interjected, "The guy memorizes four words, and he plays like he's intercontinental."
Nor does Gregory have any compunction about throwing a hissy fit in full view. Herewith, the locus classicus of the genre:
White House press secretary Scott McClellan: Hold on. Cameras aren't on right now. You can do this later.
Gregory: Don't accuse me of trying to pose to the cameras. Don't be a jerk to me personally when I'm asking you a serious question.
McClellan: You don't have to yell.
Gregory: I will yell. If you want to use that podium and try to take shots at me personally, which I don't appreciate, then I will raise my voice, because that's wrong.
http://www.tnr.com/story_print.html?id=b9c32335-df8a-4f61-9c81-5d1c4c434c8b more
"Once, I was hanging with some friends in DC and we decided to go to the Capitol. We agreed to meet at a certain point at the front steps when we were done. There were maybe 8 of us. Well it turns out that David Gregory was reporting from the lawn of the Capitol around the spot where we were meeting up. The guy did his report, turned around, and proceeded to berate us and curse at us for being fame seeking assholes for ruining his shot and then asked if we wanted his autograph."
http://gawker.com/385687/david-gregory-you-say-jerkoops, i meant to put this in general discussion