A lot of commentators on economics fail to clearly indicate what is really wrong or what to do about it.
The symptoms are obvious.
The question is whether the economic system is terminally ill, and if so when will it die ?
What I can suggest is that we can know when an economic system is terminally ill. That is not as difficult as it seems. In essence we know what an economic system is terminally ill when it can no longer accomplish its primary task of providing for the real needs and reasonable wants of its members.
We know that a major symptom of economic terminal illness is that there are more and more things that need to be done, to meet needs, but there appears to be absolutely no way to do them. No way to do them, that is, within the economic system. That being the case, we know that the system will die. Prolonging its life only compounds and increases the misery and suffering of those functioning within the system. So pulling the plug becomes a very real option.
That means that the system itself must be changed. It is no longer possible to accomplish what an economic system MUST be able to do WITHIN that system. Pulling the plug on it then stops the additional long term suffering that comes from spending trillions on what becomes a failing system of systemic life support, staving off the inevitable end.
The refusal of America to allow transplant of healthy organs from other donor systems has led to that terminal condition. Of course, using some parts of the corpse, when life support is withdrawn, and building a viable economic organism remains a reasonable approach. Healthy organs from communism and socialism were certainly available to America for transplantation. America refused those transplants. No one said that the whole system had to be murdered and replaced, but knowing that the system was starting to die was a good time to do some transplantation.
Now, maybe it is not too late. Maybe transplantation is still an option. Maybe the system can receive a new heart. New lungs to give it a new voice, long silenced as to any critical and genuine appraisals of itself. A heart it most certainly needs. What else ? Well, the analogy only goes so far, but you get my drift.
Other systems have ways to do what the system that is terminally ill cannot do.
Saving a terminally ill economic system requires introducing new ideas, the same as transplanting organs from donors saves a dying body, giving it a new chance at life. Maybe the system can be saved, but not as it is. It has decaying organs, dead organs, within it. It is becoming increasingly corrupted, toxic, deadly to itself. It needs that new kidney, or liver. It needs those new ideas as to how to do what it cannot figure out how to do itself.
So.... lots to do.... we could list thousands of mega projects in education, infrastructure, transportation, health care, housing, farming, energy production, and so forth. All very worth doing, to meet real human needs and reasonable wants.
Now, why cannot any of those projects get done ?
Why cannot we do them now ?
Because the economic system is terminally ill and that illness is stopping us from doing all those things that really should be done, and that are worth doing.
A sick system that stops progress dead, is not worth maintaining in life support. You either do the transplantations of new ideas, from outside that system, or you pull the plug and bury it completely. Not much choice.
Robert Morpheal