I know a person is innocent before proven guilty but this whole situation has brought such shame to our party and to Barack Obama. I realize that what Blagojevich did had nothing to do with Obama but because it was Obama's senate seat it makes it that much worse in the media. And I'm sure it'll raise doubts in New York and Delaware where Democratic governors also have senate seats to fill (Delaware's Ruth-Ann Minner has already picked Ted Kaufman to replace Biden).
Mr. Blagojevich you are still considered 'innocent' with the crimes charged against you but there is one crime that we all can say you are guilty beyond reasonable doubt and that is the fact that you are an arrogant asshole. The fact that you might have been contemplating using Obama's open senate seat for your political gains is shameful and your stench is now festering over the one man who was above your heinous acts at that is Barack Obama. Sure, it's rumored that Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel may have placed the calls that lead to your arrest but the talking screeds on TV won't mention that when sliming Obama's name with your stench. And what really sickens me is technically you still have the power to name Obama's replacement for that senate seat which could put that seat to risk in 2010 when it's up for election. Trust me, in 2 years those talking screeds will remind the whole world again about how that seat was for sale to the highest bidder, dragging Obama's name thru the mud again.
So do us all a favor - RESIGN. Step down from your position and allow someone do the job that perhaps can bring some honor back to the Illinois state house. And as for Obama's open senate seat, well I think Illinois' senior US Senator Dick Durbin has the best suggestion - put it up for a special election to remove the taint of all of this.
And for those of you who think that Blagojevich is some sort of Republican conspiracy - DON'T! I understand in the past that Republicans have done their part to bring down governors illegally (I'm looking at you Karl Rove re: Don Siegalman). But Blagojevich did this one all on his own. He was an arrogant bastard who betrayed the public that elected him by using this job to garner financial favors. Mr. Blagojevich should be Ted Steven's cellmate!