Don't get me wrong. This creep needs to be prosecuted within the full extent of the law. What he did was slimey & sleazy...unethical & against the law. Throw the book at him. Accountability is a must.
However, the incredulity and outrage against Blago just seems a tad bit misplaced. The media seems perfectly comfortable with ascertions of stupidity and craziness against him. They are almost gleeful. And, the weirdest thing I have noted is the disdain for his idiocy in getting caught is running even with anger against his crimes. I have heard a few commentators talk about how any Washington schmuck knows you ALWAYS talk to the other person as if they are wearing a wire.
This is just too bizarre.
Blago seems like very small potatoes, indeed. And, again, this does not negate his guilt or the need for justice. It just seems that after a President manipulates intelligence and lies the nation into a war that kills a million people in a country that posed us no threat, steals our treasury, dismantles our justice department, engages in no end of illegal behavior with pseudo-claims of executive privillege to justify unconstitutional acts, plus countless other crimes against America and the globe; it just seems that the outrage over one governor's greed and political arrogance is a tad misdirected. Or, actually, COMPLETELY misdirected.
Is the media excising its demons for not covering the biggest criminal scandal in American history with this circus over Blago?
And, where the hell is the outrage for a Congress that just allowed corporate America to commit a major bank heist against the American taxpayer?
This self-righteous crap from the media would fly a lot better, if they actually covered the center ring instead of the back sideshow as the real news. But, it is ever so much easier to narrate the drama of mini-series proportions instead of doing the real work of making the case for accountability for murder and high treason.