My son made me so proud...
lady raven
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Thu Dec-11-08 12:55 AM
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My son made me so proud... |
He wrote a letter to Santa- If you send them to our local paper, they print them. This year he wrote:
Dear Santa,
You don't have to bring me anything for Christmas this year. I already got what I wanted. I got my baby brothers in February and I got Barack Obama in November. I'm happy with that and you can give my toys to someone who needs them more.
Josh (age 8)
I am so proud of my boy. I am thinking of photocopying the letter and sending it to Obama. I thought if he were to see it he might get a kick out of it.
And sad that Santa won't be a reality much longer for him. I'm surprised he still believes NOW.
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Thu Dec-11-08 12:58 AM
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1. OMG that's priceless....just priceless. |
Give him a squeeze from a 'spare' granny - I am sure you're proud of him! I would be too! :hug:
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Thu Dec-11-08 01:00 AM
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2. What a sweet kid!! I would definately send Obama a copy! n/t |
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Thu Dec-11-08 09:27 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
10. Yes. Please send Obama a copy of that. |
Arugula Latte
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Thu Dec-11-08 01:09 AM
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My daugther is 8 1/2, and she just WANTS to believe in Santa so much that she still does. I think this is definitely our last year for Santa, though.
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Thu Dec-11-08 01:10 AM
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4. What a sweet, smart boy! You've every right to be proud! n/t |
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Thu Dec-11-08 01:12 AM
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5. Way to go, mom! You're carefully molding a beautiful human being. |
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Thu Dec-11-08 01:13 AM
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6. Your are obviously an amazing and generous person who has raised and amazing |
and generous son. Kudos to you.
Obama would get a kick out of it. However,he may have a similar reaction to mine: :cry:
Clio the Leo
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Thu Dec-11-08 01:15 AM
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7. Hey, who NEEDS Santa when you've got Barack! NT |
az chela
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Thu Dec-11-08 01:18 AM
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8. Please please give him a hug and kiss from me.What a |
Wise Soul he is.You must be so proud
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Thu Dec-11-08 09:20 AM
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9. I think you should send a copy to Obama's office too. |
Are you going to save it so he can see it when he's grown?
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Thu Dec-11-08 09:38 AM
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11. K&R for a truly terrific kid! n/t |
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Thu Dec-11-08 09:44 AM
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12. So nice to read an "up Story" in the should be proud... |
these are the moments parents, (and those of us lucky to read about such things), treasure...:hug:
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Fri Dec-12-08 01:23 AM
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13. This is one of those treasures that you frame and put away for a birthday a few years down the road. |
It will be treasured by all.
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Fri Dec-12-08 01:37 AM
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14. Ain't that something? |
really......that's something!
Be real proud cause that's totally unusual. :)
lady raven
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Fri Dec-12-08 12:01 PM
Response to Original message |
15. WOW! Thank you all so much for the compliments! |
I did make a copy of the letter. I decided to keep the original and I made photocopies to send in to the newspaper Santa letter thingy and to Obama's office.
I hope Obama knows how many children he has inspired. I realize that most kids will echo their parents' political views, but I have never seen children as TRULY INSPIRED as I have with Obama.
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Fri Dec-12-08 04:56 PM
Response to Reply #15 |
23. I would keep the original... and frame it... |
And give it to your son at some appropriate future time:)
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Fri Dec-12-08 12:13 PM
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16. bless your boy, and you must be one great mom! |
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Fri Dec-12-08 03:17 PM
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Fri Dec-12-08 03:21 PM
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18. Obviously has great parents |
But I didn't quite get your "won't be a reality much longer" bit.
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Fri Dec-12-08 04:49 PM
Response to Reply #18 |
21. I think she meant this is the last |
year he'll believe in Santa as he's getting to that age where other kids will tell him (who heard it from their older siblings).
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Fri Dec-12-08 05:31 PM
Response to Reply #21 |
24. tell him? tell him what? |
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Fri Dec-12-08 03:29 PM
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19. What a wonderful child! |
I hope he will consider running for public office when he grows up.
And I hope that Santa will be extra specially good to him this year, too.
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Fri Dec-12-08 04:47 PM
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20. Oh - you have to send it to Obama |
I'm sure he'd love to hear that. What a great kid you're raising there and he didnt' get there by himself so please pat yourself on the back.
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Fri Dec-12-08 04:54 PM
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That is precious beyond words. Good on you for raising such a wonderful little human being. Give him some DU hugs for me! :hug: We need more kids like your Josh. An unselfish 8-year-old is a rare child indeed.
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Fri Dec-12-08 08:25 PM
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