As promised, I am keeping an eye on the (mostly but not entirely useless) post-election tracking polls to gauge any fallout for Obama from the media hit job attacking his non-role in the Blagojevich scandal. So far so good:
Obama still enjoys 71% favorability according to Gallup, and "confidence in Obama" is up 2 points from 65 to 67 today.
Rasmussen did show a 1 point drop for Obama's "job approval" rating (how he's handling his job as president-elect), from 67 to 66, but it's only 2 points off his highest approval rating ever.
To save you all the trouble of flaming, I am well aware that Obama did absolutely nothing wrong with regard to Blagojevich and shouldn't take a hit to his popularity for something someone else did. But the reality is, the media has been pretty hard on him the past few days over the Blago crap, and I wanted to see if it was affecting Obama's sky-high popularity ratings. So far so good, although it will take a few days to know for sure.
Links, for those who are interested:, Rasmussen polled Illinois last night and while 84%% want Blago to resign, only 26% think it's even somewhat likely that Obama had anything to do with the scandal (13% very likely, 13% somewhat likely). Some of them are probably people who just hate Obama and want to make him look bad. 32% say it's not at all likely that he's involved, and 37% say not very likely. And 78% of Illinois voters approve of how he's handling the transition.