i gotta say, these are remarkable times, and obama is a remarkable leader.
i do not recall anyone ever really caring about what any other president-elect had to say. people talked about the campaign promises, and people talked about the cabinet appointments, and people talked about fluff like getting to know the first family and the personal side of the president-elect. even when people talked about cabinet appointments it was always about scandals or potential scandals, what baggage was that appointment bringing to the new administration. never about policy.
when it came to policy and substance and real leadership, everyone always agreed, plain and simple, that's just not the job of the president-elect, not until january 20.
it's a remarkable statement about obama's leadership and the leadership vacuum that shrub has created, not to mention the obvious need for substance during this turmoil.
people can quibble about whether his cabinet is "left" enough, or otherwise have their gripes. me, i'm just glad we're about to have 4 or 8 years of a president who's actually sane.