I work for a media relations company (providing marketing tools) and we just landed a couple new clients in the energy industry (hydro/wind/solar) and the two main partners returned to discuss what happened.
From a cultural standpoint, the aggressiveness we provide to get things impacted is something that the Canadians on a government level aren't familiar with. That's another story. That's why they chose us.
What was constantly brought up through different discussions was how they absolutely admire Barack Obama and look forward to him as the next President.
Since they are dealing with new energy issues, they await his leadership with getting green energy technology being pushed to unprecedented levels. Even one of the clients, based in Calgary and for the most part conservative as the rest of Alberta, sees Obama as someone who will really help turn the page on how the US is viewed internationally and how he is considered as hopeful for getting new technologies that have been ready to go finally get online.
I'll be going to Calgary and Toronto a bit next year and it's going to be a LOT easier to be an American visiting there. As one who traveled in Europe with a Canadian maple leaf badge on my backpack so I felt like I wouldn't be hated, it's dawned on me that an Obama button might get you front row seats and kisses on the cheek.
Let's remember this while we watch the days between the Inauguration. We Americans are now loved (for the most part) by the rest of the World.