Perhaps you've heard of burning sage to ward off evil spirits and such and wanding it on people that you want to purify.
Well, I think that in order to truly start a new Obama administration, part of the events on Inauguration Day should include a Smudge Ceremony. I'll be in DC for the event and certainly want to help set up this as a way to start the Obama administration's start. It's a good thing, fun to do, educational, embraces diversity and actually gets rid of evil spirits and vibes.
Here are some if the herbs used (all legal) in a smudge ceremony:
Desert Sage (Artemesia tridentata). This plant will drive out negative energies, spirits and influences. Use this as a smudge to purify people and places before any sacred ceremony.
Cedar (Libocedrus descurrens, Thuja occidentalis). This plant can also be used to purify, especially for negative emotions.
Sweetgrass (Hierochole odarata) This is one of the most sacred herbs used for smudging. This herb is used to bring positive energy in after negative energies are banished by using sage.
White Sage (Salvia apiana) This sage is used just like desert sage, but many people prefer White Sage because of the sweeter aroma it gives off.
Lavender (Lavandula officianalis) This herb will restore balance and create a peaceful atmosphere. It will also draws loving energy and spirits.
Mugwort (Atemesia vulgarus) This herb can used to stimulate psychic awareness and prophetic dreams. The Lakota also believe that when Mugwort is burned it "makes the bad spirits sick", and they move away from it.
Copal (Bereseru microphylla) This resin was used by the Mayans as a food for the Gods. They believe that as the smoke of the Copal would rise, it would carry their prayers to the ears of the Gods. Copal is used in divination and in purification ceremonies. Copal is the Frankincense of the Western Hemisphere.
Juniper (Juniperus ssp.) This herb is also used to purify and to create a safe and sacred space. Juniper was often carried in a medicine pouch or a pocket for protection.
Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon californicus) This herb can be used to purify and to set and protect boundaries. The name of this plant reflects it's nature. Yerba Santa means sacred herb.
Osha (Ligusticum porteri) The root of this plant can be burned as an incense or carried for good luck and protection from bad influences. Osha is also a preferred gift for Native American elders., I'd stick (no pun intended) with the sage. As for smudging, this video gets really into it (
I would suggest a simple sage smudge stick for up to three people and light the stick and purify each other. Granted, it would take a lot of smudge ceremonies to cleanse the White House, but I'd be glad to help out.