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Transcript of UAW Gettlefinger's Press Conference 12/11/2008

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LiberalFighter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-08 02:00 PM
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Transcript of UAW Gettlefinger's Press Conference 12/11/2008
Senate snubs auto workers, union chief says Source: Ft Wayne Journal Gazette

UAW President Ron Gettelfinger on Friday urged Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson or the Federal Reserve to step in and help automakers after the Senate rejected the auto rescue bill. The following is from his remarks at a news conference:

I want to begin … by saying that we do appreciate the positive statement that was released by the White House this morning, where they say that they are reviewing all options that are necessary, including the use of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, to assist the industry. …

As everyone’s well aware, the auto industry around the world is in peril. There’s no question other countries have stepped up to help their industry and the United States has been a little slower to react.

Our union, with a lot of hard work, has recognized that the industry is in a restructuring mode, and we have known that for awhile. You’ve heard us talk about what we did in ’03, ’05, ’07 negotiations and then just this past week to assist our industry and to put them in a more competitive position.

Unfortunately the Senate Republicans, led by Sen. McConnell, rejected the bipartisan legislation and restructuring process that had been agreed to by the White House.
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