Edited on Sun Dec-14-08 10:01 PM by HereKittyKitty
Just wanted to mention a couple of observations from the past two days.
Of course we have PLENTY of idiots here- I live in OK- but sometimes they still surprise me!
Last night we went to see a local church's Christmas pageant. We are of a relatively liberal denomination (In fact, most of our church's most "prominent" members, including the pastor and his wife, are Dems), but this was a Baptist church. They were doing a "living Christmas tree" program and we went so the kids could hear the pretty music and see the big tree full of people.
There were several traditional Christmas songs in the program. When they got to "Have yourself a merry little Christmas" , my husband and I didn't know whether to laugh or gasp when they sang the second verse; "Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas- let the music play". (Make the yuletide gay)
Isn't it enough to publicly stand in every possible way against the basic human rights of gay people? No- They have to change a Christmas song that everyone knows so that it doesn't mention the word "gay". This has just reached a level of utter silliness. Really.
Today, I was gassing up the car and heard a couple of rednecks talking about their Christmas plans. One of them said he was going to try to get the whole family together no matter what it took since Obama is going to take away Christmas next year. I'm not kidding, guys. It must have just been the mood I was in today, but I pretended to sneeze so they wouldn't realize that I was snickering uncontrollably.
I wonder what other interesting things I'm going to hear while out and about!
With the twins here, I haven't gotten out a whole lot in recent months, so I've been kind of sheltered with regard to the local idiot brigade...
Edited because I didn't close my parenthesis the first time.