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Second Camera Angle on Zaidi - punched while being removed from press conference

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LASteve Donating Member (24 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 09:53 PM
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Second Camera Angle on Zaidi - punched while being removed from press conference
The NY Times web site has a video of the shoe throwing from more than one angle. Go to this link

and scroll half way down the page - passed the standard footage of the incident to a second video. Play THAT! It is from the opposite side of the aisle in the press room and captures some of what happens to Muntader al-Zaidi that has not been shown elsewhere (to my knowledged).

The first video goes black as people swarm Mr. Zaidi. This one keeps rolling. It shows security dragging him up and away; you hear him shouting and crying out in pain. It appears he is being punched from underneath as they lift him. In the background you can see Bush and Maliki at the podium. This second camera confirms what is mentioned in the accompanying article, that security punched Zaidi after he had been subdued.

"Mr. Zaidi was subdued by a fellow journalist and then beaten by members of the prime minister’s security detail, who hauled him out of the room in his white socks. Mr. Zaidi’s cries could be heard from a nearby room as the news conference continued."

If his cries could be heard from a nearby room, presumably by those present in the press room, then it is probable Bush heard them, too.

(If anyone can grab this video, please post it.)
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ddeclue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 10:12 PM
Response to Original message
1. Ummm you're surprised WHY again?????
He just threw two shoes at the President of the United States.

He just embarassed the Iraqi government also.

If he gets roughed up on the way out the door that's probably the least of what would happen to him.

How about the "don't tase me bro" dude who gave Senator Kerry a hard time a while back?

How about Rodney King or any number of other police brutality cases?

These guys don't mess around - in fact I was quite shocked at how unconcerned the SS seemed to be in this process given the guy got off two shoes and anything could have been IN the shoes when he threw them.

In Iraq he'll be lucky not to spend 20 years in jail and get the crap beaten out of him for the first six months at least.

He'll be lucky not to find himself on CIA Airlines headed for an extended stay at "Club Guantanamo".

The main thing he has going for him is that every body now knows his name and that Bush is out the door in a few weeks and that he's become something of a folk hero over there. Because of this they will probably only beat the crap out of him for a few weeks and then send him home.

Doug D.
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LASteve Donating Member (24 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 10:42 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Great spoof of a ditto-head reply.
That was funny. You got the Freeper-ditto-head thing down cold.

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