I. Just the Facts, Ma’am I am wearing my shiny black raincoat and my waterproof boots, today, because I know that the usual skeptics will hurl a lot of verbal abuse my way.
How dare you question people’s motives? Only tin foil hat conspiracy theorists (and the nation’s law enforcement community) talk about motives. Just the facts, ma’am! I happen to believes that nonfiction is nothing but fiction that pretends to be
truer than some other story in a world where everything is relative. But, for those of you who insist that this lil ole fiction writer from Texas begin each OP as if it was a feature in the Beeville Gazette-Dog Swatter, here is the obligatory who-what-where-when-how and
why (Eeks! Motive!). Colonel Mustard in the dining room with the candle stick----
Just kidding. The Bush Department of (IN) Justice has announced that it is attempting to indict someone (anyone!) in the administration of Gov. Richardson of New Mexico in a
pay to play scandal involving contributions to both Richardson
and maybe even Obama. The Grand Jury meets today in Albuquerque, but anonymous sources could not wait to spread the news about the charges that have not been filed.
The Grand Jury is only just getting the case, but the administration thought that the whole country should know about it (!!!!). That is why both the Washington Post and CBS News have the story, which could well turn out to be a non-starter, but it will not be a non-story, not if the RNC has anything to say about it. Here are links:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/12/15/AR2008121502940.htmlhttp://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/12/16/politics/washingtonpost/main4671020.shtmlAs with the Blago case, I do not think that the nature of the charges matters. The evidence which the DOJ has decided to leak to the public in violation of Grand Jury secrecy rules is equally immaterial. In a situation like this, the identity of the folks doing the prosecution---or should I say the persecution---makes the facts of the matter irrelevant. Obama appointed Bill Richardson his commerce secretary. Now, we learn that one of Rove’s political Justice appointees was conducting a long term investigation of a Democratic front runner all through the campaign. Just in case he was a nominee or VP pick? And what about the timing of this Grand Jury leak? Stinks, doesn’t it? Especially when Obama wanted to present the results of his internal investigation about the Blago matter, which exonerate him, but Patrick Fitzgerald told him “No, not for another week.”
A lot can happen in a week. In a week, a president-elect can have
two pay-to-play scandals hanging over his head and the heads of people closely associated with him.
But, we would not want to talk about motive. Only tin foil hat conspiracy theorists go there.
From the CBS article linked above:
A federal grand jury is investigating whether a financial firm improperly won more than $1.4 million in work for the state of New Mexico shortly after making contributions to political action committees of Gov. Bill Richardson (D).
The probe focuses on whether the governor's office urged a state agency to hire CDR Financial Products. The probe is in a highly active stage at a time when President-elect Barack Obama has chosen Richardson as his nominee for secretary of commerce, according to two sources familiar with the investigation.
II. Everybody Speculates I want to make one thing straight. The impartial journalist is a myth that the modernists exploded. Those who pretend that there is no
I behind what they write are capable of creating some of the most biased journalism of all. They pretend to speak for everyone. They present themselves as an authority on this or an expert on that. They claim to represent the common man---forgetting that everyone is uncommon. They also forget that no one ever looks at a set of facts----say a group of objects scattered on a table---without wondering how they got there and how they are related to each other.
Here is an example of journalistic speculation from the very conservative Times.
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article5354760.eceBarack Obama dogged by ethics doubts as education chief Arne Duncan named
A fresh ethics controversy threatened to further complicate Barack Obama's White House transition today as his cabinet neared completion with the nomination of his Education Secretary.
After a week in which Mr Obama's team has been sidetracked by the scandal over the Illinois governor's alleged attempt to sell his Senate seat, it emerged that a federal grand jury is investigating donations made to political action committees belonging to Bill Richardson, the New Mexico governor and the president-elect's pick as Commerce Secretary.
Even as Mr Obama today announced Arne Duncan, the head of the Chicago school system, as his Education Secretary, he was again faced with a question about Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's alleged attempt to auction his vacant Senate seat to the highest bidder.
Mr Obama cut off a reporter who asked whether his incoming White House chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, has been heard on a federal wiretap talking with an aide to Mr Blagojevich - and whether Mr Emanuel ever handed over a list of preferred replacements.
The Times does more than report the facts. It speculates that Obama is becoming associated with ethics scandals and corrupt politicians. The article demonstrates that when he attempts to focus on his agenda, the press is distracted by the ongoing investigations. This may be an attempt to remind readers of Bill Clinton, whose effectiveness in his second term was lessened by the Monica incident.
Judicial Watch eats it up, too:
http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2008/dec/another-scandal-rocks-camp-obamaAnother Scandal Rocks Camp Obama
Barack Obama hasn’t even moved into the White House and already his administration is embroiled in a second corruption scandal, this week the grand jury investigation of a cabinet member who’s the governor of New Mexico.
The week after his friend and political ally—Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich—gets indicted for operating a massive bribery scheme, the president elect’s new Commerce Secretary is being investigated for giving a shady company a lucrative state deal after it donated tens of thousands of dollars to his political action committee.
Now, I am going to speculate. At this point, I am 100% sure that Patrick Fitzgerald filed his charges against Blagojevich
prematurely at the orders of someone higher up in the Bush administration. That someone planned the indictment of the Illinois governor as part of a larger attack against Obama. The Blago scandal was meant to be the first assault.
The Grand Jury investigation of the Richardson administration is clearly the second wave. I wonder if the investigation in New Mexico was set up by the replacement of fired U.S. attorney, David Iglesias. Larry Gomez is one of Rove’s political prosecutors. Richardson was always considered a prime VP pick, and so an indictment of him after the Democratic convention would have been an effective Thomas Eagleton ploy . An indictment of him now embarrasses the new administration.
Will there by a third? Here is list of the political attorneys that Rove appointed after the mass firing. If any of them is in a location to hassle Obama or his new cabinet, I am sure that they have been hard at work doing so.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dismissal_of_U.S._attorneys_controversyI can not help wondering if Richardson was passed over for VP and Secretary of State, because everyone knew that there was a political prosecutor working his state for Rove. You can not be too cautious when you live in a country where the folks who are supposed to protect us from criminals are the biggest criminals of them all.
III. Motives: Attorney General Holder Who Believes in the Constitution vs. Attorney General X Who Believes That Former Administrations Still Have Executive Privilege Why? Why would the current administration go to all this trouble to harass Barack Obama? Are they just trying to soften him up, so that the Republicans can win some Congressional seats in 2010? The Bush family has never cared about anyone in the Republican party except themselves. I do not believe that they are acting out of party loyalty. I think that Bush, Rove, Cheney and Mukasey may have some crazy idea that they can control the new Department of Justice even after they are gone.
The whole criminal gang must be scared to death of being prosecuted for their crimes. Bush will pardon all the big fish, but can he really pardon every single attorney who worked at the DOJ and every pencil pusher at the EPA and FERC and FCC and all the other agencies that accepted bribes and failed to uphold the law? Plus, pardons will not keep these former Bushites from having to answer questions in official inquiries---or face perjury charges. And public hearings designed to expose the corruption of the Bush administration a la Nuremberg Trials or Pecora Hearings would probably be better for the country and our democracy than a few scattered prosecutions.
Rove is already leading a campaign to keep Eric Holder from being named Attorney General.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/12/14/rove-will-help-lead-gop-f_n_150869.htmlNote that Ceci Connely of “Gore is Liar” fame is now back doing political news at the Washington Post. This woman should have
Gore is a Liar tattooed across her head and pasted on her byline, so no one forgets how she helped W. get selected in 2000.
Holder is the exact opposite of Aschroft/Gonzo/Mukasey. Here is what it says at Wiki.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_HolderHolder's political views are broadly in line with Obama's. Holder favors closing the controversial Guantanamo Bay detention camp.<21> He is opposed to the Bush Administration's implementation of the Patriot Act, saying it is "bad ultimately for law enforcement and will cost us the support of the American people."<22><23> He has been critical of US torture policy and the NSA warrantless surveillance program, accusing the Bush administration of a "disrespect for the rule of law... not only wrong, it is destructive in our struggle against terrorism.”
If this is how Holder feels about some of the Bush administration’s favorite Constitution busting measures, you have to wonder how Holder feels about the people who have been breaking the law for the last eight years.
Here is how two 11th hour, ongoing indictments of Obama friends/cabinet members by federal prosecutors could be used to the advantage of the outgoing Bush administration. Rove could distribute talking points to his Republicans on Capital Hill saying that Holder is too lenient with Democrats---see the Marc Rich pardon. If Holder is named attorney general, they will claim, he will squash the ongoing investigations. He might even (gasp!) bring a halt to some of the terror trials that the Bush administration has brought using illegally obtained torture evidence. The GOPers will insert graphic descriptions about how we will all be murdered in our beds if this happens.
By that time, the RNC and the corporate media will have built these two anti-Obama cases up so that the public will be convinced that these are the absolute worst political scandals that have ever happened and that Lincoln is doing somersaults in his grave. The Republicans will demand that someone of absolutely impeccable honesty---like Patrick Fitzgerald---
with a history of terror prosecutions be named Attorney General to clean up all the political corruption that has driven our economy to bankruptcy as well as keeping us safe from events like those in Mumbai. People at DU who think that Fitz is a demigod will cheer.
No one in the Bush administration will ever be charged with anything.
Someone try to convince me that it can not happen in this country and that the Democrats that we have in this Congress (and at this Democratic message board) would not let it happen. The only person I trust right now to stop that kind of insanity is Obama himself. He would recognize the foolishness of allowing the person who started the whole mess (Fitz) to profit from it by getting a job like AG. However, the GOP could come up with some other "impartial" judge who has already cut a deal with Bush not to prosecute. A newer, nicer Mukasey. Or they could demand that Obama appoint a special prosecutor, and then we would have Ken Starr all over again---a Ken Starr who blackmails the administration.
You want me to stop leaking negative stories to the press? Lay off the previous administration. Here is why I think that Cheney had a cow when the Republicans killed the auto bailout deal. Like W., he does not give a fuck about the future of the GOP. When has he ever done anything for the good of the party? He just wants the Congressional Republicans to have a high enough public approval rating next January that they can spend the last of their political capital buying him and his partners in crime a get out of jail free Attorney General.
And yes, this is all speculation. But it is better to think about these possibilities than to be caught unprepared.