That one day, when I walk down the street holding my loved one’s hand in mine, no one will stare and whisper
Where my boss won’t tell me that if I was more “mainstream”, he’d be happy to consider me for that managerial position, but since we work in a politically sensitive environment, right now is not the time for someone like me …
That dancing with my loved one at a club will not elicit snarky comments like “freaking dyke” and “look at those two”
Where I believe that my neighbour won’t say to me that “we need a man around the house” when my lawn mower stops working …
I believe one day my neighbour won’t feel the need to tell me they are “okay” with me being gay so long as I don’t hit on them or their children …
I won’t be questioned by the bank teller when I try to open a joint account
The HR manager won’t pause when reviewing my beneficiary forms when she sees two obviously female names …
One day my partner might be able to sponsor me to immigrate to America as her spouse so that we can help to take care of her ailing parents …
My partner’s family will feel free to say their daughter is married to a woman and living in Canada instead of making up stories about how she just felt like leaving Arkansas because she needed a change …
My family won’t remind me that I’m going to hell and I’m only allowed to see my nephew and niece once a year for fear that I might “confuse them”
My father will finally agree to meet my partner of seven years and my mother might actually refer to her by her name instead of calling her “my friend”
That the park near my house will not be referred to as “pervert park” anymore … as it was once the only place gay men could safely meet each other ..
That my best friend in the world who decided to take a jog in the early morning through a park in a major city in Canada wasn’t beat up and killed after having been stalked for weeks because he winked at some guy he mistakenly thought had winked at him first …
Some fucked up religious person who thinks that I’m equal to a child molester will not preside at an American president’s inauguration ..