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Bill Cunningham Revives “Muslim” Smear Against Obama

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ccharles000 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 08:51 AM
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Bill Cunningham Revives “Muslim” Smear Against Obama
Hannity & Colmes held another discussion last night (12/19/08) about Barack Obama's decision to use his middle name during his inauguration. Not surprisingly, unrepentant bigot Sean Hannity used the “issue” to launch some smearing and hate-mongering against our new President-elect and, of course, liberals. He could not have picked a better guest than Bill “Obama wants to gas the Jews” Cunningham. Cunningham spent two segments using Obama's middle name to suggest he's a Muslim, all the while pretending to do so as a gesture of respect. Hannity gleefully joined in the attacks over Obama's trumped up ties to Blagojevich, added a dollop of Wright and Rezko, and approvingly labeled Cunningham “a Great American.” With video.

Hannity started out by playing the victim. “Conservatives were attacked by the left for the mere mention of (Obama's middle name)... Everybody was intimidated into 'OK, we can't say his name' which was his actual name.”

Hannity asked Cunningham, “Have you been vindicated here and is it now acceptable?” As Cunningham later amply demonstrated, the only way he was interested in using Obama's middle name was as a vehicle for smearing him.

Guest Bob Beckel has the ability to be a great advocate but fell down on the job during much of this interview. He seemed to find Cunningham more amusing than disturbing or offensive. Alan Colmes was better. But neither challenged Cunningham about the deleterious effects his kind of rhetoric provokes.

Colmes said, “We're missing something here which is that when Bill Cunningham, who I'm so thrilled to see (Colmes was being sarcastic; Cunningham has made a point of insulting him), says the name... When you say his name 'Hussein,' When Coulter says 'B. Hussein Obama,' leaving out his first name entirely, the intent is a little different (than Obama's use of his name in the inauguration), isn't it, Bill?”
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Clio the Leo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 09:01 AM
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1. You know that I've HEARD....
.... that Hannity is antisemetic. Dont know if it's true or not. :)
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Lasher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 09:05 AM
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2. What the hell would Les Nessman know?
Even McCain has disowned him for this same kind of tripe.
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TheDoorbellRang Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 09:25 AM
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3. Someone should tell them that their same "logic"
would have compelled them to reject George Washington as our leader because he shared the same first name as King George of England -- wasn't that awfully suspicious?
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matcom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 09:41 AM
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4. Why put "Muslim" in quotes and not "Smear"?
calling Obama Muslim isn't a "Smear" (unless you believe being Muslim IS a "Smear"). It is stupid and factually wrong but it isn't a "Smear"
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