Without comment--
Though conservatives are excited that Barack Obama seems to have infuriated gay activists, I suspect they're privately a bit worried about the Warren pick.
Obama supporters fear that the invitation offers legitimacy to Warren and his anti-gay-marriage views -- but some conservatives wonder whether Warren's presence provides some legitimacy to the Obama presidency.
Nicole Russell of American Spectator complained, "Holding a forum forcing Obama to discuss his views is one thing. Supporting him publicly by praying/speaking at his inauguration is another. Frankly, this is a spineless move on Warren's part."
The Family Research Council opined, "Let's hope that Rick Warren will use his channel of communication to the new President to press him for more pro-family policies-rather than simply being used by Mr. Obama to make political inroads with evangelicals."
David Brody at Christian Broadcasting Network reports he's been inundated with email from angry conservative Christians.
And over at the very conservative online community Free Republic posters lashed out at Warren with as much anger as gays who critiized Obama:
Rick Warren should recuse himself from this ministerial assignment. Obama is a pro-abort extremist. That is hardly a position worth a blessing from a Christian pastor. -- by obamaisandrogynous
Pray for them, yes! try to convert them, yes! Recognize their authority over you, yes!
Support them and give them credence, no! Rick Warren is their to just cover up the smell. Front man and a shill for a corrupt presidency.
--by dirtymac
Methinks Mr. Warren's pride is getting the better of him. Giving the invocation at a presidential inauguration IS a big deal, but I'm sure that standing before Jesus on Judgement Day will make it seem less than trivial.
--by MrB
Rick Warren is one of those new age, book author, get rich thanks to Jesus like Joel Osteen - TV pastors. I thought Warren was decent but he is a phony.
--by Frantzie
Pop star preachers love fame and the company of other pop stars more than they love Christ. Avoid them and their churches.
--by pallis
Obama supports late term abortion and the killing of babies that survive abortions. That is infanticide. For Rick Warren to give the invocation at Obama's inauguration proves Warren is no true Christian. May he be shunned forever.
-- by jrooney
This is despicable.
--by trisham
Geez...the False Prophet swearing in the Anti-Christ...how nice.
--by ravingnutter
What Obama has in mind is to use religious socialists to move his socialist agenda.
--by stockpirate
Disgusting duplicity on Rick's part. Perhaps Pastor Warren didn't comprehend the signifigance of his own question he asked of the affirmative action fraud at Saddeleback forum. He certainly could not comprehend the depth of deceit in Obama's response ... surely. Seems Warren is more concerned with his own empowerment than the truth of LIFE. Satan has lots of help in that regard ...
http://blog.beliefnet.com/stevenwaldman/2008/12/conservative-angst-about-obama.html The Brody File
David Brody
CBN News Senior National Correspondent
Pro-Lifers Rip Rick Warren on Obama InvocationDecember 18, 2008
So let me get straight to the point.
Liberals and gay activists aren’t happy with Barack Obama for choosing pro-life and prop 8 supporting pastor Rick Warren to give the invocation at Obama’s inaugural. But pro-life readers seem to be equally upset at Rick warren for agreeing to it.
The Brody File has been flooded with emails and most of them absolutely rip Pastor Warren for doing this. Below is but a very small sampling. I can’t reprint all of them but let me just say that pro-lifers are NOT happy with Warren at all.
read the letters......
http://www.cbn.com/CBNnews/504326.aspx Christian Conservatives Should Be Upset About Rick Warren Choice As WellDecember 18, 2008
David Brody from the Christian Broadcasting Network said, “It makes a whole lot of sense…This move is also classic Obama because it is a signal to religious conservatives that he’s willing to bring in both sides to the faith discussion in this country.” What does he mean by both sides? I’m assuming that he means liberals and conservatives, but as a Bible believing Christian I only see one side - God’s. And does anyone believe that Obama will embrace Christian conservatives? I mean his theology is Marxist Black Liberation so I really don’t see that happening, nor do I think that he is a Christian although I cannot see his heart. I agree that this is a good move on Obama’s part, but my focus is on Rick Warren. Just as I went after Joel Hunter about praying at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, I’m going after Rick Warren on this. Why did he accept? If you follow my blog, you know I have very strong feelings about mega -churches. I often wonder about the message that is given inside that would be so attractive to so many people. Is it just that people are really hungry for Jesus and the salvation He provides or are they getting a touchy, feely, self-help talk? When it comes to Rick Warren all one needs to do is read his bestselling book, “The Purpose Driven Life”. The message is the latter with Warren quoting heavily from mainstream Bibles like “The Message”. The full gospel message, which includes admitting that we are sinners and recognizing that we need salvation, is absent. Just telling Jesus that you believe in Him is not enough. Even Satan believes in God.
I also question how someone could appear to endorse a President who supports infanticide and Marxism. We should all pray for our President regardless of who that person is, but should we endorse that person? Of course, I do not know what Pastor Warren will be praying. I hope that he sticks to praying for God’s guidance and I hope that he uses the world stage that he will have to talk about Jesus (as Billy and Franklin Graham always do) and a need for this country to return to its Judeo-Christian roots before God shakes the dust of us from His robes.
And speaking of Billy Graham, this “shift” seems very significant to me. Billy Graham has given the Inaugural Invocation for as long as I can remember and even before I was a spark in my parents’ eyes. I believe Billy Graham to be a true man of God who has not used his celebrity for personal gain. Franklin appears to be following in his father’s footsteps and would seem the likely heir to the Inaugural Invocation in the spirit of tradition. I’ll never forget Katie Couric interviewing Franklin Graham and how he used the opportunity to minister to her directly and tell her the gospel message personally as if no one was watching. That is someone who has their heart in the right place. So is this shift coming perhaps from God Himself? Have we turned our backs on Him to such a degree that He is handing us over now? Of course, I would expect both Grahams to either decline the offer or use the opportunity to spread the gospel and strongly condemn the areas of disagreement with Barack Obama, yes even the gay marriage stuff.
But what we will get is a feel good message about America having a chance to save the world now - instead of Jesus. We’ll get to see Rick Warren taking over the mantle of “America’s preacher” and having his bloated ego stoked even more. For those Christians that will attack me on my feelings just remember how harshly Rick Warren went after Barack Obama after Obama’s answer on the whole abortion question and when life starts answered, “That’s above my pay grade.” Oh wait…he didn’t go after him. And that shows the true colors of this “man of God”.