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The hunting of the president resumes

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wyldwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-08 11:53 AM
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The hunting of the president resumes
Older article (Dec. 12) that I somehow missed...

Questions are raised. Connections are drawn. Conspiracies are theorized. Guilt is imputed, implied, asserted and very widely associated. And more of the same feckless fingerpointing is exactly what Barack Obama should expect from the Republicans, the right-wing propaganda machine and their enablers in the mainstream media -- even after Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has met whatever fate he deserves.

From the kooky obsession with his place of birth on WorldNetDaily to insinuations about his Chicago pedigree by the Associated Press, all of the attacks launched lately on Barack Obama give off the same familiar smell. Even a quick sniff is enough to bring back memories from a decade ago, when no perfidious accusation against Bill or Hillary Clinton was too crazy to deserve attention.

The madness that was eventually classified under the quasi-clinical rubric of "Whitewater" began, in no small degree, with the dubious idea that Arkansas, the Clintons' home state, was a peculiarly corrupt place -- and that any politician from Arkansas by definition was suspect (but only if he or she happened to be a Democrat).

Many of the familiar figures and institutions that should be permanently discredited by their roles in the Clinton drama have emerged again to smear Obama. Newsmax, the big right-wing Web site founded by Richard Mellon Scaife, sugar daddy of the Arkansas Project, dispatches daily news alerts with blaring headlines: "Obama Birth Certificate Battle Not Over" and "Obama, Blagojevich Tied to Same 'Godfather.'" Rush Limbaugh, who has never stopped hinting that the Clintons murdered Vince Foster, no matter how many investigations concluded that Foster's death was a tragic suicide, now wonders how Obama could be unaware of "all this stuff swirling around him."

Such are the "questions" darkening the great forensic brains of the right. "Did Barack Obama's transition team know this was going on? Heck, did Barack Obama himself know this was going on?" demands radio talker Neal Boortz. And asking a question is tantamount to winning a conviction, or at least an indictment, according to the perverse norms of discourse established during the last Democratic administration -- or what my friend and coauthor Gene Lyons calls "the Clinton rules."

Everyone playing by those rules, including the mainstream journalists who echo the mindless "questions," understands that mere facts need not get in the way of a juicy scandal. Everyone playing by the Clinton rules also knows that it is virtually impossible to prove a negative -- to prove, for example, that Obama didn't know how Blagojevich was abusing the Senate appointment. (Which is why civilized judicial systems presume innocence and require proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, of course.)

Moreover, everyone knows how easily the equations of guilt by association can be constructed: Obama and Blagojevich are both Chicago Democrats and they know lots of other Chicago Democrats, some of whom gave money to both of them; therefore, both are products of a corrupt political machine. Suddenly, it is time to measure the tall, skinny guy for an orange jumpsuit.

As for the rest of us, including mainstream reporters, perhaps we should be mindful of the vast amounts of money, time, and journalistic, prosecutorial, congressional and presidential effort that were squandered on the mythical crimes of the Clinton era. Can America still afford that kind of stupidity?
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opihimoimoi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-08 12:52 PM
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1. Far too many think of it as a BLOOD SPORT....mostly NPD peeps...they love to make troubles
Edited on Mon Dec-22-08 12:57 PM by opihimoimoi
thats their whole life....

Instead of attacking co workers bully style, they attack political figures....

look for the tell tale signs and its all there...

all about bullies, npd's
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matcom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-08 01:35 PM
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2. oh I thought you were talking about DUers pissed at the Warren pick
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wyldwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-08 01:41 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. I'd considered referencing that... but bartcop did it for me to a degree
"We knew this would happen. The Nazi right will vilify Obama and they'll fabricate
scandal after scandal just like they did with the Clintons.

The worst part is - the Left will believe half of it - just like they did with the Clintons.
In eight years, Obama will hated by the Left - because we eat our own. " - Bartcop
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Autumn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-08 02:40 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. So true
and the worst part is no matter how well Obama does they will go after him.
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gaspee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-08 03:23 PM
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5. Gotta reach out
To them! That will stop this!

Just ask Mr "Third Way" Clinton. He compromised with them all the time.

What do you mean it just made them bolder? Pshaw! Inviting Bigot snake oil salesmen to kick off your presidency is just the ticket! That'll learn 'em!

And in case anyone is really that stupid... :sarcasm:
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