Edited on Mon Dec-22-08 09:07 PM by someonehasdementia
My two cents:
Barack Obama made a terrible and incomprehensible decision when he selected Rick Warren.
I needn't describe to you the damage he has done on so many levels, because it has been eloquently (and not so eloquently) stated (AND SOMETIMES YELLED) by many on this forum.
It breaks my heart to see the anguish this selection has brought many of our GLBT brethren here on DU, and across the country. As a heterosexual (with some other feelings which I've never explored), I find the stated beliefs of Warren to be an insult not just to GLBT, but to humanity itself.
We have to be human first, with those self-evidently endowed rights we hear so much about.
I know we will get past this, and hopefully the outrage will make some people think twice next time, but chances are unless we can make much more noise (and I don't mean on DU), the invitation will stand.
Don't ever forget what was done to you, but also remember that Barack will make blunders - and this is a doozy! But I think we have to get beyond this inaugural and press harder for equal rights for all Americans. I'm so sorry that the equality we seek will not come tomorrow or the next day. But, dammit I for one will - as I have for many years, denounce anyone with prejudiced attitudes, and encourage understanding and respect for all human beings.