Joe Biden tonight on Larry King Live said that the new administration will push for fair and equitable changes in many of the laws that my community, the GLBT community, have been hampered by, and "will deliver", as promised during the campaign, changes to make life easier on GLBT people.
Many of us who are Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgendered (or are simply unsure and trying to figure it all out) - have experienced such judgment (or worse) in school, with our friends, family, coworkers, and in daily living just by watching the TV and hearing one comedian or character after another make innuendo that a guy must be, ooh, GAY, because he acted sensitively, that we were probably more upset about the Warren pick because of our hope that things were about to change since Obama was elected.
I am greatly impressed with the amount of people, and the diversity of people who have kicked the silent STONEWALL thread that merely calls for solidarity for Gay people to have full Civil Rights (I should be able to adopt children, and not held back just because I'm Gay!). People from all viewpoints have been kicking it long after the rec-period has ended.
This is inspiring - and now, after hearing a man that many of us have watched with admiration as we grew up, VP Elect Joseph Biden, state on Larry King Live that there will be a definitive push to secure rights for GLBT American citizens - I can say that although I am upset with the flawed (imho) decision to include such a bigoted person with such a great honor on Inauguration Day, I am now going to be able to find joy in seeing B*sh get the hell outta Dodge and usher in what will hopefully be serious change for a nation in peril as Barack Obama is sworn in as the next president of the USA.
So, to all of my fellow DUers, as we approach a new year of possibilities, hang in there - many of us our suffering more than ever in our lives, and so I say with sincerity to ALL of you -
MERRY CHRISTMAS! (I'm outta here til after Christmas)