Indeed, Obama fumbled the ball on this one. He has plenty of time to fix this awful mistake but I doubt he will. Glad the globe has spoken out. Z. JACKSON
Obama's bad judgment on Warren
By Derrick Z. Jackson | December 23, 2008
To this day, in all the phobic frenzy to ban gay marriage in state after state, not a single straight person has yet to demonstrate how a gay or lesbian couple's marriage has any impact whatsoever on a straight marriage, let alone how it might bring the institution to its knees. Gay folks are merely a scapegoat for the fact that straight couples get it right only about half the time.
Obama has generally exhibited good judgment on gay issues. In June 2007, he rightfully slammed President Bush's nomination of cardiologist James Holsinger to be surgeon general. Holsinger was a highly credentialed former Kentucky health and family services secretary and former chancellor of the University of Kentucky medical center. But his nomination went nowhere, partially because of a 1991 religious paper he wrote titled "Pathophysiology of Male Homosexuality." Holsinger wrote that "the varied sexual practices of homosexual men have resulted in a diverse and expanded concept of sexually transmitted diseases and associated trauma." He concluded that "when the complementarity of the sexes is breached, injuries and diseases may occur."
Obama issued a statement saying, "America's top doctor should be a doctor for all Americans, and so I have serious reservations about nominating someone who would inject his own anti-gay ideology into critical decisions about the health and well-being of our nation . . . the United States surgeon general's office is no place for bigotry or ideology that would trump science and good judgment."
Yet here is Obama exercising terrible judgment on someone who just got done injecting anti-gay ideology into politics in the biggest state in the nation. It is nice that Warren and many evangelicals are increasingly involved in the environment and global poverty. But it seems that Obama is having a little PJSD here, as in Post Jeremiah Stress Disorder. Having nearly had his campaign destroyed by the tapes of his former pastor Jeremiah Wright blasting America as a hopelessly racist nation, Obama seems compelled to close his eyes to one of the most powerful forms of conservative-driven bigotry left in this country..................